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  1. Hot Mama Bearz

    To be a bee or not a bee

      What metallic green bees?  Very Interesting...     To be honest most of our bees are gone.  I can walk barefoot through clover without any worries,  How sad...    If it wasn't for the butterfly bushes we wouldn't have any this year,  Those are a god send!
  2. Hot Mama Bearz

    To be a bee or not a bee

    Look up one post above yours for the answer as to what it is.  Those things have been visiting every day and aren't afraid of people either,  Just like regular butterflies.  Never saw anything like this in my 52 years....         I think these things are kewl,  They just like to hang out on my...
  3. Hot Mama Bearz

    To be a bee or not a bee

      Ok I will give it away..  He is a......  Hummingbird Clearwing Moth.  AKA a faux bee...  Isn't that thing unique?
  4. Hot Mama Bearz

    To be a bee or not a bee

    So what do you think of my, "bee"?
  5. Hot Mama Bearz

    To be a bee or not a bee

    Now that is the question.  I already know the answer to this but I thought some of you may get a kick out of this.   The other day, I was tickled pink to see some new recent visitors to my butterfly bushes.  We do have some bees, but not a whole lot.  Except...  This little buggar was mutated...
  6. Hot Mama Bearz

    That would do it.... Lol.... Isn't it funny how we get so excited about our first peppers and...

    That would do it.... Lol.... Isn't it funny how we get so excited about our first peppers and in a week, we have too many. Lol.... So what are you planning to do this year with your peppers? Last year I got a dehydrator, and this year I added a grinder and a vacuum sealer. Making home made...
  7. Hot Mama Bearz

    Where are you from? Mine were a bit delayed due to being transplanted into larger pots with...

    Where are you from? Mine were a bit delayed due to being transplanted into larger pots with some bunk soil before going in to the garden.
  8. Hot Mama Bearz

    Ate my first home grown pepper of the season today. YUM!

    Ate my first home grown pepper of the season today. YUM!
  9. Hot Mama Bearz

    Help with yellowing of leaves and falling off

    That brownish substance bothers me.  Sounds like you were growing something extra in the mold family,  It has been a rough year as far as too much rain out east.  What about you?   Myself I can see some telltale round light spots on my zucchini leaves indicative of the starts of powdery mildew...
  10. Hot Mama Bearz

    Leaves lighter green, stunted growth

    Dunno...  But I suspect that I am seeing signs of nitrogen deficiency even in your better plants.  I would give them all some before they all go down hill.   You could move it since it is sunk.  Or you could even just raise it a bit.  Up to you...    I imagine you could just lift it really deep...
  11. Hot Mama Bearz

    Serrano Pepper plant not producing flowers

    My vote goes to you.  My Serrano's were the first to flower.  This was my first year growing them, but they are very fast growers in both of my gardens and in my pots.  And all 3 have very different conditions.  So it wouldn't be difficult to induce extra foliage with nitrogen.
  12. Hot Mama Bearz

    Leaves lighter green, stunted growth

    Looks like nitrogen to me, but I am not one of the pros here.... I wonder if there is a water issue also. Always hard to tell if too much or too little. The ground is caved all around it which would accumulate more water. And the leaves are looking a bit rolled which I have seen when the...
  13. Hot Mama Bearz

    Well, color me surprised - Unusual Bell Peppers

    Ok here it is. :)  Can't wait to see what I got for the other 5 plants.     Asked the neighbors if they wanted some garlic chives today.  Unloaded a whole plastic grocery bag full. LOL....  Too late they are theirs now,,,    They were shading some peppers, so I cut a bunch off.  Those things...
  14. Hot Mama Bearz

    Well, color me surprised - Unusual Bell Peppers

    Already snapped one. Will upload when I get inside. I have Tedzilla out for some fresh air. Then again the air in the house is divine with fresh dill dehydrating. Yum!
  15. Hot Mama Bearz

    Well, color me surprised - Unusual Bell Peppers

    Bought a Burpee bell pepper variety pack of seeds since I like surprises. Lo and behold, at least one plant is starting off with non green peppers. Never knew this could happen. Many sites say they all start off green. But I did find others that say otherwise. Anyways the peppers are creamy...
  16. Hot Mama Bearz

    Whoa is this a kewl toy - Vigoro 3 way meter

      Well, I didn't say it worked, just that I had fun with it.  :P    Ok now seriously, I just tried it with vinegar and it bottomed out.  I guess a true test would be with distilled h20, but I have none open right this moment,.  But when I open a bottle I will let you know,   Now I have plants...
  17. Hot Mama Bearz

    Whoa is this a kewl toy - Vigoro 3 way meter

    Don't know if I really need this, but I had to have one.  :hot:   Was at home Depot the other night and saw this handy dandy gizmo.  It is a probe that is a PH, moisture, and light meter.  Plus, it needs no batteries!   I was running around sticking this in every pot and garden.  LOL....  I am...
  18. Hot Mama Bearz

    Iguanas must DIE!!!!!!

    My neighbor has been up to no good with our last neighborhood (limping) deer. Saw him shooting the thing with a pellet gun again. Although this is illegal in our borough, think I will say anything? Cough cough hint hint....
  19. Hot Mama Bearz

    What is wrong with my Squash??

    Cut off those 2 big leaves, discard them, and treat the rest.  Or just start over since they grow so fast anyways.     Powdery mildew is well, mildew.  It is from your plants being too wet at night (in prone plants),  And perhaps not enough sun during the day.  I would protect it from getting...