Help with yellowing of leaves and falling off


I'm having trouble finding out what is happening to my plants. A week before all this happened, I started to notice a brownish clear liquid like substance on some of my leaves. I would spray it off with water, but more would show up the next day.

A few days later, the lower leaves started to turn yellow on the edges and was crispy to the feel. Following that, the leaves began to fall off...

Does anyone have an idea on what is happening? My father suggested that I was watering it too frequently, but i am only watering it every 3-4 days.
moruga welder said:
looks like fert burn 
Flush their soil with water and/or repot in less ferted soil. Also how much sun they are getting looks like it might be also bit on the hot side?
That brownish substance bothers me.  Sounds like you were growing something extra in the mold family,  It has been a rough year as far as too much rain out east.  What about you?
Myself I can see some telltale round light spots on my zucchini leaves indicative of the starts of powdery mildew.  PA gets a lot of that in damp weather.  The good thing about powdery mildew is that it usually doesn't kill the plants off.  Gosh, we have been getting one sunny day out of like 7.  I hate using fungicides.  Rained today even...  Come on sun....  
I can never grow Hollyhocks because they get the rust every time...   
My pepper plants were always fine for nearly 3 decades now.  But had to dump the dirt and all from a pot for one after I replaced a sick plant with a spare seedling, and it succumbed also. 
I have the wilt affecting 1 tomato plant in the same spot as last year.   It can last for years and you can't move the dirt around in that spot.  Well I had extra plants so it was worth the shot.  Cut it with scissors to try and save it.  (Sterilized the scissors afterwords.)  Finally I pulled it.
And some big advice concerning watering.  This affects me more than anyone since I work a late shift,  Always water so that there is enough time for the leaves to dry before dark.