Never had any bitter pods and I've been growing hydroponically for a year. I usually flush, I have with solution, water and water plus hydrogen peroxide. Didn't notice any difference in flavour.
I've pepper sprayed my wife out of the house once or twice ;) Now I have to do all my dehydrating outside on the covered deck. Seeding I usually do at my desk in the basement where my grow room is. Doesn't seem to bother anyone down there.
Let's see probably one chocolate moruga, two datil (out of five also from Pure Florida and loaded with pods), an orange bhut, took a cutting from my reaper and I may dig up this weird looking habanero that is producing pods that kinda look like scorpion pods.
I got mine from and I've never had such an amazing germination rate. They all grew true and the plants are loaded with pods. Price is great too.
Oh and mine look pretty much just like Buzzman19's
Ask the title says. My wife loves the taste of habaneros but not so much the heat. I've tried adding pineapple, mango, orange but they all seem to overpower the hab flavour. Can anyone help?
My mother-in-law is from Miami but spent most of her childhood in the Bahamas. When I asked her about these she said they were called that because they "weren't fit to feed to the goats". Don't know if it is true or not.
It has been about 2 weeks since I seeded. So here is a quick update.
Very good germination rates. Lost a couple that got stuck in the seed casing but all are progressing well.