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  1. The_DoGMaN

    The mystery in color

    I agree looks just like my bhuts.     Added pic.
  2. The_DoGMaN

    Chocolate scorpion?

    Dark shoulders are a sign of too much sun on the pods.  Like us getting sunburn.  My ghost peppers did that it went away when they ripened.
  3. The_DoGMaN

    Winter 2015-2016 indoor grow

    The hope is to have mature plants by the time spring planting comes.  Our season is just far too short.
  4. The_DoGMaN

    Lessons from the Pepper Testing Lab: Lesson 1

    Some where your machine lost a zero?  :P
  5. The_DoGMaN

    Winter 2015-2016 indoor grow

    I recently built a new room to grow indoors throughout the long Canadian winter. It is 8'x7' and is lit by 2400W of mostly LED lighting.  I will be using this to over winter a few of my container plants as well I have started some seeds (Aug 19th).  For this winter I will have: red habanero...
  6. The_DoGMaN

    Orange Saint Thomas Hots

    Awesome? Love to see how these grow out. Be sure to keep us updated!
  7. The_DoGMaN

    Unknown C. Chinese ID help pls

    Well the first one is ripening and it is brown.  Still no clue what this could be.  
  8. The_DoGMaN

    hybrid Nagalah Super cross

      I'd love to see what they grow out like :D
  9. The_DoGMaN

    hybrid Nagalah Super cross

    Wow!  Those are lovely! I want some :D
  10. The_DoGMaN

    pests Sun scald or pest?

    Check your garden for tomato horn worms.  I had one do that to a couple of my morugas earlier this year before I found him and evicted him from my garden.
  11. The_DoGMaN

    breeding Galapagos Red Habanero x CGN 21500 Cross

    That's awesome.  Those pods looks great.  I'd love to grow some out.  If you are interested in swapping some seeds let me know.
  12. The_DoGMaN

    is this the worst year for growing in E.Canada for you ?

      For me as well.  I've got more pods than I have ever seen this year and my tomatoes are huge.  I'm about as far south in Ontario as you can go without crossing the border though.
  13. The_DoGMaN

    choc.bhutlahs flowing with oils !

    Wow that is scary.
  14. The_DoGMaN

    Curious if this looks like what it's suppose to be.

    Starting to look like a bhut now.  The leaves look right and the pod shape is there. They look a lot like my datil plants.
  15. The_DoGMaN

    7 Pot Burgundy

      For me as well.
  16. The_DoGMaN

    Not a datil

    It does look a lot like the Malaysian Goronong.  Thanks!  
  17. The_DoGMaN

    Not a datil

    They do bear resemblance to a sweet datil, but these are hot.  Definitely hotter than the datils I grew last year.  Could be some kind of throw back I guess.  I'll grow out the seeds and see what comes out of it.
  18. The_DoGMaN

    Not a datil

    Inside is pretty interesting.      