I recently built a new room to grow indoors throughout the long Canadian winter.
It is 8'x7' and is lit by 2400W of mostly LED lighting. I will be using this to over winter a few of my container plants as well I have started some seeds (Aug 19th).
For this winter I will have:
red habanero...
Check your garden for tomato horn worms. I had one do that to a couple of my morugas earlier this year before I found him and evicted him from my garden.
For me as well. I've got more pods than I have ever seen this year and my tomatoes are huge. I'm about as far south in Ontario as you can go without crossing the border though.
They do bear resemblance to a sweet datil, but these are hot. Definitely hotter than the datils I grew last year. Could be some kind of throw back I guess. I'll grow out the seeds and see what comes out of it.