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  1. PepperWhisperer

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    If you need a fermentation starter, just buy some yogurt. Whey, the liquid that separates out of a container of yogurt, is full of live Lactobacilis. 
  2. PepperWhisperer

    Some leaf "problem"

    Pics in post 13 are oedema (edema) which is caused exclusively by overwatering. On the subject of spraying the plants to keep the humidity up...don't. Peppers grow just fine outdoors in the summer in New Mexico where the daytime humidity goes below 10% on a regular basis. All you are doing is...
  3. PepperWhisperer

    normal buds dropping.

    Your plant looks a little over fertilized, very dark leaves, slightly leathery. Stick to straight water for a while.    What variety of pepper is it? Is it something that normally grows well in your area or are you trying to grow a special variety from far off lands?
  4. PepperWhisperer

    tutorial The Pest Guide

    Pest name: Thrips Threat: 5 Your location: Various species of thrips are present throughout North America Control: Thrips can be very difficult to control with topical pesticides as they are able to hide in the tiny crevices of new leaves. Pyrethrins will kill on contact. Biological Control...
  5. PepperWhisperer

    My peppers have big roots but wont grow

    This chart is awesome. Where did you find it?   The only thing it needs is an extra column for "overwatering"
  6. PepperWhisperer

    chinense Red Scorpions at the grocery!

    Was out at the Whole Foods this evening and saw "ghost peppers" in a small clamshell. Suddenly superhots are everywhere. Change is good!
  7. PepperWhisperer


    I got some cramps too. So did my brother-in-law. Neither of us has ever had cramps from any pepper. The burn didn't last nearly as long as I expected, only a minute or so at the face-melting level then back down to a tolerable level. No matter, we all thought the flavor was really good, and even...
  8. PepperWhisperer


    Very nice. Yours look a few days fresher than the packages I found. Considering they come from Holland they almost have to be indoor grown. So, maybe there will be a continuous supply through the winter? 
  9. PepperWhisperer


    Red Scorpion gave me hiccups from the first second a tiny slice hit my tongue. Only lasted about a minute. Never had any other pepper do that to me.
  10. PepperWhisperer

    chinense Red Scorpions at the grocery!

    They also had "naga peppers" from the same grower. Not sure exactly what variety that is since there a bunch of different things called naga. They were about the size and shape of my pinky finger with a little bit of bumpiness and the same red color as the scorpions. If there are any left I will...
  11. PepperWhisperer

    chinense Red Scorpions at the grocery!

    The guy in front of me at the checkout had one of these packages. I asked him where he found them and then sprinted out of line to grab a pack. $3.98 for 50 grams (about 1.8 ounces). I made it through about half of one with my lunch yesterday. Definitely the hottest thing I have ever had by a...
  12. PepperWhisperer

    pests Uh oh, I need Aphid killing tips!

    I would think twice before using tobacco tea as a pesticide on peppers. Tobacco caries several viruses that are also deadly to peppers. The viruses can survive the typical tobacco curing process so it is possible to transmit disease this way.
  13. PepperWhisperer

    help with scorpion pepper, weird pattern on leaves

    Pretty sure that is some kind of small slug or snail. I have seen marks like that a few times on leaves, never got much worse than what you show.   EDIT: Or leafminers, the pics do match what's on that link. Either way, I never had any serious trouble with them.
  14. PepperWhisperer

    Flower drop due to temps ??

  15. PepperWhisperer

    Leaf patches

    Those pics are uber tiny, can't see anything.
  16. PepperWhisperer

    seeds Can u germinate dried pod seeds?

    I'm not talking about live pods on the plant. Peppers are traditionally dried in the Southwest strung up in ristras which are hung out in the open air. In a natural environment they dry up on the plant and fall on the surface of the ground and are exposed to the same temperatures, still...
  17. PepperWhisperer

    orange hab question

    I get a few pods like that every year, but never enough for me to worry about. I always just figured they were the runts of the litter. I also see that occasionally in pods from the grocery.
  18. PepperWhisperer

    seeds Can u germinate dried pod seeds?

    Where did you get that info? Peppers grown in the southwest US frequently experience temperatures over 110F and occasionally above 115F and they keep making little baby peppers each year. I have seen 125 stated as a max safe drying temperature, but never with any solid references.
  19. PepperWhisperer


    Did they give you a breakdown of percentages of the various capsaicinoids?
  20. PepperWhisperer

    pics Whatever this is, it is spreading to all of my plants and killing them. Pics inside.

    If it's mealybugs they should be obvious on close inspection. The pics aren't close in enough but the old eyeball mark-1 will pick them out immediately.