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The only pepper I have tried that gave me hiccups was the Red CARDI Scorpion.  Instant hiccups as soon as I swallowed it, and lasted about 2 minutes.  it was very uncomfortable/painful.
Red Scorpion gave me hiccups from the first second a tiny slice hit my tongue. Only lasted about a minute. Never had any other pepper do that to me.
I get them from anything hotter than, oh, a jalapeno. But I don't mind them, and don't think it increases the perception of heat/pain from the capsaicin. Mostly they just make me laugh. 
I don't think its a heat level issue.... maybe more a sensitivity to one of the forms of capsaicin.... I eat jalapenos regularly as most places only have jalapenos to add to food with no issues.... most of my hot sauces are either habanero or bhut jolokia based with no issues.... my favorite spicy food from okinawa occasionally gave my hiccups as well as one of the local peppers there.... they won't say what goes into the food to make it hot, but I suspect it is the same local pepper.... interestingly enough, the chain opened up a shop here in so cal, it wasnt as hot, although some of it depends on the cooks and I suspect the waiter didnt get my order right, but it was hotter than it should have been, if he did mess it up.... and all of the Asian stores ive been to around here don't have the pepper ive been searching for as I havent had luck with my plants surviving the transplant to the ground.... not the pepper, not the powders, not the sauces, nothing.... the pepper isn't terribly hot, maybe orange habanero range, if that...
About 10 years ago I would hiccup 2 or 3 times from anything hotter than a jalapeno if I ate it straight, but at the time I wasn't growing superhots.  Now, I seem to be over that because nothing makes me hiccup... could burst into flames and not a single one.
For me it's not a heat level issue. The 2 superhots I've eaten whole didn't give me hiccups, yet small bites to taste test different supers has. Orange habs don't, but I've eaten some other peppers around hab level heat that have, and have had some lower heat peppers like jalapeno's and lemon drops that have. 
That is interesting that some of you don't get them. it doesn't intensify the burn just sucks when trying to get and keep the pepper down when eating superhots
Like Brian, I don`t get hiccups, or at least I haven`t so far.
It`s an interesting response to hot food/peppers that I don`t understand at all. 
I've had people get amazed that I don't get hiccups.  They try to attribute it to a high tolerance.  But that isn't the case at all.  Even before I could handle superhots, before habs, when a jalapeno was amazingly hot to me, I never got hiccups.  It's just a reflex that does not kick in for me.  Like Nigel, I don't understand it either.