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  1. Coup

    Texas Indoor Grow (First Time Growing)

    Today was a big day guys!   I got my plot for the community garden all planted. Here is how it went:   1. Scratch the surface clear of wood chips - so damn many wood chips. I dug into the ground and wood chips had been tilled in; what a mess! 2. Dig a hole that burried a bit of the stem with it...
  2. Coup

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    Just hang in there guys. I threw ALL my seeds in - the one that germinated was planted on March 14 (planted in wet paper towels, anyway), so it's been three weeks coming before it finally germed!
  3. Coup

    This is not the best GLOG in the world, this is just a tribute.

    Gawjus plants bruh
  4. Coup

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    This one germinated in my tupperware, and I transplanted it to the coir. Hopefully it survives the transplanting!
  5. Coup

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    Got a hook too!  
  6. Coup

    Texas Indoor Grow (First Time Growing)

    Had to snip off quite a few chilis since they were weighing the smaller plants down and causing them to be a little stunted. They are unripened, but the fresnos still have a good flavor and heat. Gonna use those!  
  7. Coup

    P. Dreadie Memorial Group Grow 2016

      Sent! Thanks brother.
  8. Coup

    My new babies arrived

    They'll bounce back. :) This is one of my Juanitos 7 Pot Chocolate Brain Strains months later:  
  9. Coup

    P. Dreadie Memorial Group Grow 2016

    Is there anywhere selling these seeds? I'd love a chance to grow them. :)
  10. Coup

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

      You did say smacktalk is encouraged.  :party:   We appreciate you setting this up for us romy - don't take our frustration as directed at you, more likely directed at ourselves for not getting them to sprout. I think all of us feel a little down we haven't been getting the results we wanted...
  11. Coup

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    Threw the rest in coco coir and am going to see what happens. This may be the shortest growdown throwdown I've been in!
  12. Coup

    chinense Orange Habanero Review

      I actually have a bunch of SB7Js and MOA SB's growing under LEDs right now. :D
  13. Coup

    Texas Indoor Grow (First Time Growing)

      Those big ones under the LED aren't going anywhere - these are my permanent indoor grow plants! A nice little test for the LED lights.
  14. Coup

    Texas Indoor Grow (First Time Growing)

    Some shots of the LED grow:    
  15. Coup

    chinense Orange Habanero Review

      Haha we're going to be eating all the peppers I grow this year in order of heat. He's trying to tolerate spice like I do, so we'll get him there!   Sorry for hijacking your thread, Tardis. >.<
  16. Coup

    Texas Indoor Grow (First Time Growing)

      GIP actually recommended them to me, so this is my first time using them! I can only attest to their use thus far, and I can say if you are using them indoors to make sure you get a tray for them that is much wider than the pots themselves - the water has a tendency to leak out the sides of...
  17. Coup

    Texas Indoor Grow (First Time Growing)

    BIG Thursday!   Took plants to my folks to harden off, so I got some good pics of them in transit.                     And I planted the plants I gave my parents in a 4:1:1 ratio of compost : peat moss : sand.    
  18. Coup

    chinense Orange Habanero Review

      Haha this is true! Store habs are terrible in flavor, while I keep hearing about how all these home-grown peppers taste lightyears better! I'm excited to dig into my first ones - I already have plump varieties growing on the plants!
  19. Coup

    This is not the best GLOG in the world, this is just a tribute.

    Shit nice work son!  :hot:   Notice me senpai.
  20. Coup

    Strange looking Bhut Jolokias

    I knew it as soon as I saw those pods. That's a C. annuum variety for sure.