• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

This is not the best GLOG in the world, this is just a tribute.

Behold here by I present you my glog!
It is kinda ghetto OG-log guys if you frequent the chat chances are you seen these pictures already if not hold your pants.
I have planted various peppers and few tomatoes that I will list later on in this topic or you can just read them from the labels on the pictures.
So lets begin with the soil, i have two bags of different soil at hand one from last season..
([member=Rawkstah] : Can I use this soil from 3 years ago? -  , [member="Guatemalan Insanity Pepper"] - no that soil has it date expired :mope: " )
Bag numero uno,

very aerated light soil for plants that have problems rooting and some mycelium in it, drains like a mofo and can barely keep any moisture in it
second one that is potting soil rich will all of that sweet sweet nutritional value

Next i did 50/50 mix and started filling up the seedling trays.



Looking good very nice feeling in the hands, decided to use these plastic seed starting trays good big hole in the middle for drainage

there we go all that good stuff spread around

two down, two more to go.

Time to bring out the seeds, seeds for days... seeds for days :cool: :sick:

make hole, put seed in, cover up the hole , and repeat.

By the time I finished making these little holes and putting the seeds in  I can feel my lower back muscles ( sup [member=fertilizer] ) because I exercise so much .... khm
[member=Meatward] - I am not fat I am bulking.
There we go all labeled and set

Week later this happens :

shit I still do not have proper light because .... reasons xD. Better think fast... desktop lamp check, spare CFL 28W oh well it is what it is .. damn fast sprouting tomatoes
3cm for 24 hours god damn it, sudden realization gotta acquire some decent lights or ill be having some stretchy pencil sized seedlings in no time.

Still slacking on proper lights .... again.. because of ... reasons.

Next day, reach for the light!  .. ok ok I better get some damn lights fast I didn't expect them to grow this fast, bet the ones from the left hate me by now... i mean look at them.

Let see whats in the ads for some cheap-o lighting .... hrm 4 - T8s rack, damnthisiswhatineed.jpg few hours later that day.

Where we go better take it apart and hook up the power cord to see if it works ...not bad.. it has reflective part you can see it in back... almost.
Made frame out of water pvc pipes , damn this thing is heavy as f**k ... such metal... much heavy ... wow, ok positioned over the seedlings trays.

Damn image limit someone bump it, I typed all this stuff only to find out I can not post it all :snooty:
Ignore the excess wire that will be cut to required measurement..... sometime in the future. *nods*. You can see the tomatoes stretched to leeeeefttt now tooo the riiight ok ok that was good song once. You can also see the peppers are starting to pop, much more luck than the tomatos had, oh well.
Shiny reflective part

Day or two after

There we go peppers are doing fine now.. or so to say.. some are still not sprouting :pray: :whistle:


there we go tomatoes are back on track ... safe.

Few days later in the back row

ok i admit those strechy pineapples were sprouted before I put the lights on .... hence their height

Meanwhile behind the tomatoes... them giant jalapenos are growing like they dont care

Front row tomatoes ... i might planted these to early ... duh who would guess.

The time has come... for the epsom salts. Peppers and tomatos love this stuff AS you might already know.

"BUT WHATS IN THE BOX?" , box bag whatever

To be continued..
Nice, also I get the reference in the title. Good one!. It looks like your got a good year ahead of you so take care of those plants and you will have lots and lots of success.
lol, how is this a ghetto log?
mines more ghetto than this. maby i should update my title. seems legit to me.  save for the lights i guess, but just get some t8 strip lights from a store somewhere. thats all you need for raising tom transplants.
i like your 50lb sack of epsom salt! thats cool as hell. i buy epsom in like 5kg sacks... takes over 2 years to get through it all.
queequeg152 said:
lol, how is this a ghetto log?
mines more ghetto than this. maby i should update my title. seems legit to me.  save for the lights i guess, but just get some t8 strip lights from a store somewhere. thats all you need for raising tom transplants.
i like your 50lb sack of epsom salt! thats cool as hell. i buy epsom in like 5kg sacks... takes over 2 years to get through it all.
Its like 5 stars upgrade from the even more ghetto setup i had for overwintering plants... in my unheated basement where I had to use normal bulbs for sole purpose of heat distribition... but it worked i overwintered few plants.

So this light fixture is also G because its not electronics but rather them old ass magnetic ones and plus its god know from where listed in that ad i got it from.
Coup said:
Shit nice work son!  :hot:
Notice me senpai.
Consider yourself noticed. :3
Ok lets continue now new grow:


getting there



not bad not bad at all, getting crowded as f**k, no space under the lights for bigger pots and still to cold outside , guess they will stay some more time in these seedling trays! ( like it or not).
Fast forward week or two, weather is getting better, sun during the day, night temperatures 4-5C and up, i pray to not get any lower than that even 5c is pushing it for full time outdoor grow no going back MY TIME IS NOWWW tininniniii tiininniiiii, your time is upppppppp xD
Well i am running low on soil... hour later our soil reserves are replenished:
two new bags, plus whatever is left from the old ones

lets see how it looks inside
not bad
and to make it even more sweet ( read cheaper khmmm) damn you soil why you so expensive, i present to you fresh outta the yard, dug up diiiirrrtttttt!

oh yeah man lets get this party started! - yeah im killing with the song titles by now for whoever is reading all this but not getting it BOOOYA,
Plants are looking crowded as ...well crowded.

whats that? you want close up? you got it Chad,


i am smokiiinnn, somebody bump me!
Maligator said:
Skillful bump man, much appreciated :
So look at them, look all that greenery! all that root bound in them small seedling trays but worry no more little plants I got you, lets take a position

after bit adjustment time to get dirty 

What did i mix you ask me? well 4 parts soil dug up from the yard , and 2 parts of every other bag i have left untill everything was gone.
It looks like this after you mix it all

Lets check the root system of few plants


yeah you get the idea, will have to loose them up a bit before planting them no biggie.
random shots

after transplanting dosen of plants i notice these guys, some of the giant jalapenos and few other varies started to flower, while in seedling trays, under t8s!? NOT ON MY WATCH NO,


so i pinched them >.<
1-2 hours later final product looks like this:

will have to take some pictures maybe with all of the pots at one place apparently i have around 30 different kinds of peppers :crazy:
stay tuned for more updates... somewhere in near future.