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  1. LA 2 the Bay

    First Attempt to grow peppers glog

    So the eBay seeds everyone here though were serrano has turned up something else. They were sold as Trinidad moruga here are updated pics These are the first pods on it. Any thoughts
  2. LA 2 the Bay

    Smoking hot today again

    I left socal because of this weather lol
  3. LA 2 the Bay

    wanted Looking for seeds

    I have red savina
  4. LA 2 the Bay

    Repotting Bhuts.

    Go big or go home I think. Just make the new pot it's permanent home for a while
  5. LA 2 the Bay

    Smoking hot today again

    Yeah Chino border with orange county How are your plants hogleg
  6. LA 2 the Bay

    Smoking hot today again

    Where at in the IE I used to live in San Jacinto
  7. LA 2 the Bay


  8. LA 2 the Bay

    Smoking hot today again

    Where are you at I'm in Petaluma and it was 97 I think But man are my plants liking it for some odd reason
  9. LA 2 the Bay

    free Free Seeds via SASBE: Brain Strain Yellow, Jonah, Naga Morich, Brazilian Starfish

    I'm interested in 7pot yellow Jonah and morich This is awesome
  10. LA 2 the Bay

    Chocolate BrAiN sTrAiN 7 Pod

    I'm interested in some peppers
  11. LA 2 the Bay

    Need some seeds

    I might have some boc also just a few seeds and maybe some peach bhut
  12. LA 2 the Bay

    Need some seeds

    I have red bhut seeds for ya
  13. LA 2 the Bay

    chinense Scotch Bonnet X 7 Pot Jonah

    Amazing pods when will seeds be available for purchase
  14. LA 2 the Bay

    Choco's first day of summer!

    Jelly all my plants drop flowers except Padron Serrano tampiqueno goats weed
  15. LA 2 the Bay

    Monday Funday giveaway!

    Never understood why they charge tolls for bridges. Like I get it builds roads etc but wtf are taxes for? Tolls are for maintaining the bridge. THE golden gate gets repainted all the time Man didn't see the contest till now. Nice contest
  16. LA 2 the Bay

    Romy6 2015

    Hook it up with some cap691
  17. LA 2 the Bay

    lighting Flashing Lights to Deter Critters?

    They'll probably just throw a rave
  18. LA 2 the Bay

    JoynersHotPepper 2015 Pepper Party

    You should try hand pollinating some flowers if you don't have pollinators around. They don't self pollinate