Internal temp 160F, I like to soak it in whole milk over night to get any "game taste" out and it seems to help tenderize the meat too. I like to cook it slow too, don't rush it. I pay $3.00lb where I am at.. Not sure if that's expensive or not. How much is it where you are?
Pureed some Douglah & Orange Habs with fresh tomatoes, onions, pineapple, peaches & honey then basted some gator meat on the grille with it. It was some sweet heat gator meat! Served it up with some homemade jambalaya & cornbread. Was Good Yea!
Funny, I know exactly where that is... I pass by it when I go to Charlie Eubanks farm down the road.. Where is your farm? That place isn't that far from my house.
Instant blistering burn, fills every crevice of my mouth with lava then continues to get hotter. My friend at work said it best "It feels like my teeth are melting and my Adams apple just burst into flames!"
I agree with this, some people on here I'm sure don't. I'm a fan of pure strains and try to keep it that way. Don't get me wrong, there are some peppers I like that are crosses and hybrids and they are great but I prefer pure strains over them.
Why is the P capitalized? I guess I wanted to emphasize "Pure". No pun intended. To me a pure strain is better than a crossed or hybridized strain, I want specific characteristics that an open pollinated may not have. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word pure, maybe I should have just said...
Yellow Scorpion CARDI, Butch T Scorpion, Brain Strain 7-Pod, Douglah, Typical Trin Scorpion and I'll have to look at the rest to see what else.
Oh and I have some Pure Yellow Bhuts too.
I want to buy or trade some Pure 7-Pot Jonah & Pure Butch T Scorpion seeds. I have pure strains of the following Chocolate Bhuts, Red Bhuts, Yellow Devils tongue, Mini 7-Pot very very very hot! And many possible open pollinated super hots..
Tastes really nice, very very hot :mouthonfire: Deep flavor almost Paprika like, slow deep intense burn & last for a good while. :hell: NO IT DOESN'T TASTE ANYTHING LIKE CHOCOLATE! :lol: