Search results

  1. shoVel

    breeding Crossing Peppers

    Good point.. I guess we'll have to see what kinda of Frankenstein pepper I can come up with.
  2. shoVel

    seeds Custom Germination Heat Pad

    The heat pad arrived 2-days after I bought it.. It works perfect! I set the dial on high and tested the soil temps after a few hours.. Perfect 85 degrees! It's big too so I have plenty of room.. I just hope it last a long time.. I was using a food dehydrator with my cups in water baths.. (Be...
  3. shoVel

    breeding Crossing Peppers

    Yes, cross pollination is the method I would use. I want to cross similar peppers because in my own theory similar peppers would likely be more stable ones versus ones of totally different characteristics. I'm new to the whole pepper seen in general obviously but I do have a green thumb, I've...
  4. shoVel

    breeding Crossing Peppers

    Since I have such a wide array of seeds started this year I'm thinking of crossing a few to see what I get.. What do you think of these crosses? Fatali X Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia Chocolate X Yellow Devils Tongue Trin Scorp Butch T X Yellow Scorpion Cardi Naga Morich X Yellow Devils...
  5. shoVel

    breeding Cross Country/

    Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Red Bhut Jolokia, Yellow Bhut Jolokia, Devils Tongue Yellow & 7-Pod. Supposed to be shipped to me this coming week.. First time ordering from them, never knew about them until someone mentioned them in a thread a couple days ago. Excited!
  6. shoVel

    Any ideas what these could be?

    +1 for Choc Hab or Carib Red
  7. shoVel

    Bonnies World Hottest?

    Agreed, I just bought them because they were there and I like Habs.. I have some great super hot strain seeds getting ready to get going already.. I hope to have some Top Shelf Premium Pods this year.. Time will tell.. Might even have some bragging rights this year.. =)
  8. shoVel

    chinense is it dangerous to eat bhut jolokia??

    No, no other allergic reactions to anything.. Maybe it was anxiety because I was so hyped up about eating the Bhut then so anxious about if it would happen again when I ate the Naga.. Who knows.. I'll keep trying because I love the pain!
  9. shoVel

    Bonnies World Hottest?

    The guy Jamie said they were growing some Bhuts but haven't decided if they were going to do them on a commercial scale. I'm Not sure why they call them Worlds Hottest so I asked and he said he didn't know either. He didn't have much info about anything yet he was the primary contact. Oh well...
  10. shoVel

    chinense is it dangerous to eat bhut jolokia??

    I was curious if someone could have an allergy to them. Last year I tried a small bite of a Bhut, my lips started to swell up and I felt like I couldn't breathe or get enough oxygen.. They of course were super hot and I was in pain.. But I gave it a couple days and tried a Naga Morich and didn't...
  11. shoVel

    Bonnies World Hottest?

    I Bought some (all they had) Habaneros from my local Home Depot they are Bonnies "Worlds Hottest" anyone know the exact type? I actually called Bonnies Plant farm in Alabama and spoke with a guy named Jamie and he didn't have a clue.. He said to call back because he needed to ask another guy.. I...
  12. shoVel

    seeds Custom Germination Heat Pad

    I just bought a custom germination heat pad from ebay the size is: Width:17 inch x 4 feet length (W/Rheostat/Dimmer). Anyone familiar with these? If so what do you think of them? (I havent received it yet so...
  13. shoVel

    cloning Home made Cloner

    Awesome, thank you!
  14. shoVel

    My Chocolate Bhuts Jolokia's

    Awesome thanks for sharing! Looks good and seems to be on it's way to being a nice plant!
  15. shoVel

    for-sale PRF Specialty superhots for sale

    Got mine, all look great!
  16. shoVel

    South (Cajun) Louisiana here- Howdy All

    Hey what part of South Lou?
  17. shoVel

    pics Wanted to share some of my pics

    Those look great!
  18. shoVel

    seeds Germinating Stubborn Seeds

    I just wanted to share my experiance about how to germinate stubborn seeds. I recently purchased some(very crispy)dried Naga Morich whole peppers on ebay, the seller said the seed would not be viable because of the high temps during the drying process in the oven. Not sure why the seller didn't...
  19. shoVel

    A Few Pictures

    Wow, very nice! Looks like you're doing a great job! You'll have plenty of peppers to enjoy..
  20. shoVel

    wanted I'm a "Noob" looking to trade

    Awesome, thank you..