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  1. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    Need to get the temperatures up here. It's been cool enough that the plants are just sort of sitting there. My squash is growing like crazy, though (as it does). I found what I believe to be pumpkins growing in my compost pile, so I pulled a couple of them out to see what they heck they were. I...
  2. SeanW

    What's up with my serrano?

    The temperature thing occurred to me this morning, it dropped into the 40s.    I gave it a shot of nutes last night, diluted 1tsp floramicro, 1.5tsp of florabloom and 1 tsp of CalMag+ into a gallon of water (it got some of it, but I spread it among a handful of other plants). It got a bunch of...
  3. SeanW

    Blisters LED Coco grow has reached it's inevitable end...

    Filled up the bucket in 3 weeks? That's pretty much bonkers!
  4. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    The seedling I cooked lost it's cotyledons, but it's got a teeny little true leaf, and seems to have survived. The other one has some bigger true leaves (I need to get pictures), but only one rank. I might stick it outside for 15 minutes or so here or there, just to give it some fresh air and...
  5. SeanW

    What's up with my serrano?

    I've been thinking it was looking underwatered, but I've been hitting it a lot harder than the other two plants and they are fine. We also got a pile of rain over the weekend. Didn't really occur to me to use the hydroponic stuff on the coco plants, but I guess that makes sense. I think the...
  6. SeanW

    What's up with my serrano?

    Hmm...I have some hydro nutes, maybe I'll give it a shot.
  7. SeanW

    What's up with my serrano?

    Ok, sounds good. It's been in there for a week or two, but I did abuse it a bit going in when I knocked most of the dirt off of the roots. Hopefully it pulls through.
  8. SeanW

    What's up with my serrano?

      The leaves are curling up, and some are kinda droopy.   It's in a soilless mix, coco and perlite, with some composted chicken manure (chickity doo doo), azomite, greensand, bloodmeal, bonemeal and kelp meal added.   I've got two other peppers in the same mix, a jalapeno and a tabasco. They...
  9. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    Yep, and I've been doing it alllll wrong. I'm away this weekend, when I come back, I'll try again.
  10. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    Woah! Nearly lost a baby, moved them to a heat mat to keep the chill off the other day, and it was almost 80 today and one seedling was completely drooped and flaccid. A bit of water and it looks like it's going to pull through. Got the sprinkler system going today, I need to watch to see...
  11. SeanW

    Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

    FID? I've got an LTC-A ;)   Sadly, all that gets me is things that would attract WAY too much attention if I started vanishing bunnies :) I'm just hoping to get some fencing up, they are cute hopping around out there, but the cuteness rapidly is overshadowed when they just massacre my garden. I...
  12. SeanW

    Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

    Definitely watching this. I've got a family of deer that like to mangle my plants from time to time. Not nearly as much of an issue as the super bunnies that have been eating everything (including my freaking marigolds), but they still do damage.   I'm curious about the catmint, I almost bought...
  13. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    I refilled my shaker container with it today - I shall not be deterred! Only manage to aerosolize enough to give myself a good sneezing fit, but got it covered. I covered my garden in black pepper and garlic powder, the cayenne will be going down later. Hopefully that'll cut back on the...
  14. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    Last year I surrounded my garden with stuff that rabbits don't like to eat. Apparently I have some variety of super-bunny that eats that stuff anyway. We have deer, and they do tend to eat a lot of stuff (I had some black-eyed susans that literally didn't last 24 hours). The biggest killer is...
  15. SeanW

    Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

    Yep, I said that and then the temperature literally halved. 89 degrees Monday, mid 40s on Tuesday night. We're in the 60s and 70s for the rest of the week, but the plants seem to be doing fine outside, other than the damn rabbits.
  16. SeanW

    Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

    "When it warms up" I take it your weather is a bit cooler than mine? Mid 80s on Sunday, almost hit 90 yesterday. Lows in the high 50s for the rest of the week, though it doesn't look like the days will be as warm.
  17. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    This weather is nuts. A week or so ago we were facing light frost, and the plants did fine through it. Yesterday we nearly hit 90 degrees, and I almost lost a couple from the heat. I don't think their root systems are really up to snuff to handle that kind of abuse. It looks like everything will...
  18. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

      Basically everything is in the ground, pots, or whatever except for the two urfa bibers.   The hydro plants above were still alive this morning, if they are still alive tomorrow I'll assume I did it right, I'm still expecting them to just drop over dead. I had to rinse the soil off of the...
  19. SeanW

    Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

      The sprinklers actually catch the garden to some degree, but I'm hoping to water the lawn longer, less often, which isn't ideal for plants. My wife did remind me that we bought a sprinkler to use with a hose a while back, silly me! 
  20. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    Alright, probably done buying plants for now. I have another stack of herbs ready to go into the garden, and I'm apparently growing some squash this year. Acorn, spaghetti and pumpkin. I didn't run into any other peppers that struck my fancy, I was hoping to find a Fresno, but no dice. In the...