What's up with my serrano?

The leaves are curling up, and some are kinda droopy.
It's in a soilless mix, coco and perlite, with some composted chicken manure (chickity doo doo), azomite, greensand, bloodmeal, bonemeal and kelp meal added.
I've got two other peppers in the same mix, a jalapeno and a tabasco. They aren't doing it.
Any thoughts? Is it actually a problem?
The plant gets a lot more sun than you see in the picture, it was still early enough that the lawn was shaded.
Ok, sounds good. It's been in there for a week or two, but I did abuse it a bit going in when I knocked most of the dirt off of the roots. Hopefully it pulls through.
I've been thinking it was looking underwatered, but I've been hitting it a lot harder than the other two plants and they are fine. We also got a pile of rain over the weekend. Didn't really occur to me to use the hydroponic stuff on the coco plants, but I guess that makes sense. I think the stuff I have has directions for feeding non-hydro plants, so I'll just go that route.
I've also found Blister's blog...off to the reading!
ikeepfish said:
Also, if you have it outdoors, what have your temperatures been like if you have left it out? 
 i agree looks like its adjusting to the climate to me. mine do the same thing after a extra hot day. i would think it would look similar after a extra cold day to. if its getting the right nutes i think its about to take off.
The temperature thing occurred to me this morning, it dropped into the 40s. 
I gave it a shot of nutes last night, diluted 1tsp floramicro, 1.5tsp of florabloom and 1 tsp of CalMag+ into a gallon of water (it got some of it, but I spread it among a handful of other plants). It got a bunch of it, it was perkier this morning, but the low temperatures are probably the main issue. I suspect that the serrano is more sensitive to that than the other peppers I have out there, for whatever reason. Maybe I should upend half a bottle over it or something to keep it a little warmer.
I've started adding hydro nutes to it, hit it again yesterday with a bit of molasses, too.
I wonder why the coir doesn't take to amending. You'd think the amendments would be just as available as they would be in soil.
SeanW said:
I've started adding hydro nutes to it, hit it again yesterday with a bit of molasses, too.
I wonder why the coir doesn't take to amending. You'd think the amendments would be just as available as they would be in soil.
With straight coir, the pH can swing wildly if you let it dry as much as peat, how much this effects an amended mix I couldn't say for sure. The high amounts of humus/organic matter may mitigate that issue. I would think the Cal-Mg-P dance of coco would play havok with any nutrients added through amendment/compost.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I think we all missed the obvious answer...It is a Bonnie plant  :rolleyes:
Yeah, I have a 2 month old baby and in preparation setting seeds just did not happen this year. Got a couple things from Lowes, HD, and a few local garden shops.
The others in coco are bonnie as well, this is the only one being stubborn.
If the Cal-Mg-P balance is wacky in coco, I wonder if just supplementing with CalMag+ would help.
I know all about yougings and how hard it is, 3 of them 5 and below...OUCH! For me every other year the Serrano plant is a PIA, no idea why. 
Best of luck
My serrano actually looks good *knockin on wood. I got 4 kids running around and yea... hard to get much done and you start feeling like you have turrets from randomly having to yell at them.. ages 4-6-11 and 11 step child.
3 or 4 kids... Man, you guys are brave.

I'll just keep on the plant, hopefully it starts to actually take, thanks for the pointers
I've never had any problems with bonnie plants other than they're often full of aphids at the store...that and they're likely not organic at all.
yeah you guys are definitely brave to have several kids.  I don't have any and hopefully won't for at least another 5+ years.
I'm new to growing my own peppers and I was just wondering about the potting mix being used. No soil and using a bunch of other organic aggregates... maybe the pH is off, maybe not. Just wondering what the benefit of this is to just planting in the bag of potting soil or in the ground. 