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  1. Pfeffer

    Just bought some Hops Rhizomes

    I grew several, but most enjoyed Hallertauer Mittelfrüh (Hopfen) which I grew up a 7.5m line.. That's slightly under 25 feet. After harvest I just gave it away as I don't really brew myself, but I just love the smell. Made quite some people happy with the hops as well. My top 5 based on results...
  2. Pfeffer

    Monsanto makes highly hybridized seeds available to home gardeners

    That's the magic, you can grow on very poor quality soil but need to fert with their fertilizer. Where for heirlooms the soil would be considered unsuitable or depleted.
  3. Pfeffer

    Monsanto makes highly hybridized seeds available to home gardeners

    I don't really think GMO is the actual problem, but more where it's used for. I know a company that produces corn (not Monsanto) that require less from nutrient X. What is the result? Crops still thrive in poor soil, but you need to buy Brand X fertilizer to do so. Traditional heirlooms will do...
  4. Pfeffer

    Sriracha Lip Balm: You have got to be kidding me.

    This is going to ruin a lot of teenager date. .
  5. Pfeffer

    seeds Seedling are dying. Looks like a pest need help to fix or start over.

    They will appear again, though you got rid of the majority. Keep monitoring the plants closely and search for aphids relentlessly. Aphids don't suck Juice, but they just puncture the tissue and Let the sap pressure fill them up. So look in soft parts where a lot of juice is going. i.e. young...
  6. Pfeffer

    seeds Seedling are dying. Looks like a pest need help to fix or start over.

    I'm not sure if you a Smoker, but aphids hate tobacco smoke.
  7. Pfeffer

    soil I need help to make a final soil decision...

    I would make a mix with 20% dirt 30% spaghum (shredded) 40% compost (mixed) 10% perlite I dislike pine and coir myself, but that's just me. You have plenty so just mix up some small batches and germ some bell peppers (they grow faster) and try 4 or 5 mixes that best suit your on hand...
  8. Pfeffer

    Hydroponic Bonsai(Bonchi)......from seed......

    You can use it, but you just need to monitor it more closely. Also phosporic acid seems to be expensive.. But you only need 7 drops per liter. A waterdrop is 0.05ml in lab term, so That's A 1:20,000 Ratio. . I believe they also sell it in 500ml bottles. I also use it for getting calcium...
  9. Pfeffer

    Manly scents?

    Use Hoppes No9 as aftershave, deodourant, to do your laundry and for your retracting hairline. You will smell like a man.
  10. Pfeffer

    Hydroponic Bonsai(Bonchi)......from seed......

    Diet coke basically is polluted, watered down pH- and actually gets it's acidity from phosporic acid. I use plagron pH- (phosporic acid as strong as it gets) with my nute solution. I don't deem it unsafe to use as it behaves very stable. I have very hard and alkaline water here (pH 7.90-8.08)...
  11. Pfeffer

    Pumpkins 2015

    Tastewise nothing beats the two I mentioned (for me; pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, roasting, the seeds taste good as well), but they are relatively small. If you get them to be around 15lb (8 kg) you should consider yourself a good grower. They say they can reach double that, but I think that takes...
  12. Pfeffer

    soil Evaluate my soil mix

    the little 3 liter bags of perlite are expensive, try finding a store that carries 100 liter bags.. usually you get 1x 100 liter bag for the price of 2 or 2½ of the small commercial baggies. Here the 3 liter bags are 5.99 euro, the 100 liter  bag is 14 euro..
  13. Pfeffer

    Pumpkins 2015

    I'm only growing the Rouge Vif d'Etampes (French heirloom) and Brixner Rote (South Tirol heirloom)  for the taste both are very similar pumpkins (or squash?). We don't make a difference between those two. I actually think that the Brixner Rote ("Red one from the Brixen area") is a Vif d'Etampes...
  14. Pfeffer

    How to break a t5 fixture

    I would fire my employee if he said something like that, just saying. Put it online for 20% more than you paid for it. Mention the specs like colour, wattage, etc. Also mention that it is Brand New and that it excels in vegatative growth and that it's the best start to generous blooming and an...
  15. Pfeffer

    food STEAK!!

    Yes, they are very practical and not as flimsy as the cheap aluminium teflon coated stuff. It also has decent DuPont teflon coating instead of chinese crap, so they last a lot longer. Your site mentions it's from stainless, but it's just aluminium.. but a lot heavier than a cheap teflon wok.  ...
  16. Pfeffer

    food STEAK!!

    If she can't handle a frying pan, get her a BK wokarang..  Works great when drunk, even better when sober.  Best investment I ever made.
  17. Pfeffer

    Monsanto makes highly hybridized seeds available to home gardeners

    That might cause some very interesting stories with OP seeds gathered via seed trains.. Though I love GMO (Yes, I do work in biotech that enables GMO) I don't really approve with the Schmeisser approach..
  18. Pfeffer

    can this compost be used??

    Human septic is not dangerous if composted properly.. But does that make it safe? Pathogens are killed and the compost is checked to make sure of that. However, what do people flush down the toilet? Right, not just shit. Also chemical waste, Motoroil, detergents, drugs, medicines. Even people...
  19. Pfeffer

    † † † Wafflebum's summer of Pubes † † †

    Nice list : -) did my seeds make it to you yet? The ones for PA, CA, WA, TN and FL all came through already.
  20. Pfeffer

    vendor European site;

    I have soms great news. I had some late chinenses popping up (heated prop was already in use, so I started them without heat). The germ rate closes at 94.5% which I think is impressive. I unfortunately lost some due to helmet heads, but that is soil related. I might be ordering some tomatoes...