Search results

  1. Pfeffer

    fertilizer To much fertilizer?

    Yes, try not to damage the roots to much though.
  2. Pfeffer

    Non Pepper Seeds

    What do you want to grow? (Edible, decorative). How much space do you have? I think fruit trees are very rewarding, especially plums or apricots. Though not grown from seeds, this is the time to plant them. They're not that expensive either. Some rewarding vegetables are; Tomatoes Zucchini...
  3. Pfeffer

    Fresh produce to distant grocery stores

    Well there are many factors, but it's safe to say that moisture promotes fungal and bacterial growth. I also suspect them of using additives in their washes (like a mild preservative sollution). If there is residu on your peppers, like mine having dust on them you're basically introducing...
  4. Pfeffer

    Fresh produce to distant grocery stores

    In my experience it greatly helps. If your pods are clean (grown in a greenhouse) you should be fine without. I grow under a transparant roof and have chickens around, so I have some dust flying around in the summer. If I don't wash the pods they Quickly start getting mold or black/tan bad spots.
  5. Pfeffer

    Fresh produce to distant grocery stores

    Why bother refrigerating Chilis? Just clean them, let them dry.. Box them, mail them. They'll last for a while. Pick them when they start turning color, they are a lot stronger and will last longer.
  6. Pfeffer

    Leaves fell off...

    Serrano is an amnuum, which are generally more hardy then chinenses. Chinenses usually drop leaves first. Then baccatum and amnuum, last are usually pubescens.
  7. Pfeffer

    Leaves fell off...

    It's a reaction to winter. The plant is going into hybernation. It's simply ging up on foliage and allocating it's energy to reproduction, the whole and single goal of plants. If it is regrowing foliage it probably had some sunny days again. The plant is very fragile in this phase, allowing to...
  8. Pfeffer

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Hi all, please do not contact me by PM - I'm not partaking in the seed train.. I just provided some seeds. Receipt was confirmed, so it's up to jlawrence now. I bet he's just busy, don't always think the worst of people.
  9. Pfeffer

    Seed Fundraiser - Christopher Phillips

    In at $275 (can supply US address) Edit: nvm was too slow
  10. Pfeffer

    how early is too early to get a head start???

    If you can provide 12h light (minimum), temperature and space ---> Go for it
  11. Pfeffer

    Yogurt pops for anal fire

    What the f did I just read? I'll just wait out the burn, but thanks.
  12. Pfeffer

    vendor European site;

    Got my order last week including the CMPMAN fundraiser pack. No clue what I have to do with those seeds, but it's for a good cause. Nice extras as well (in my case negro azteca tomato seeds, seems to be a really nice variety).
  13. Pfeffer

    seed-train European Seed train...

    They are on their way to jlawrence, It's only a small quantity of seeds per variety though.
  14. Pfeffer

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Cardenasii, Tovarii, buforum, rhomboideum and microcarpum I believe that I put in there. It only lists the CAP, CGN and PI codes though - please Google them (was in a rush to get them out in time due to business travel).
  15. Pfeffer

    CMPMAN powder auction....CANCELLED

    Maybe it's possible to put CMPMAN auction in the title?
  16. Pfeffer

    seed-train European Seed train...

    I'm going to put it in the mail now (for the pickup tomorrow). I included some rare wilds for the ones interested - good luck with your 2016 grow!
  17. Pfeffer

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Hi all, I'm not boarding the train, but I'm willing to contribute to the train. If someone can send me the address of the next in line I'll send out a care package. Ted
  18. Pfeffer

    CMPMAN powder auction....CANCELLED

    I think it's the title/placing.. maybe promote it a little bit. Come on guy it's for CMP.
  19. Pfeffer

    CMPMAN powder auction....CANCELLED

    $20 offered     Edit:  As you didn't mention any shipping restrictions I assumed you are OK with shipping overseas, if not please let me know in time.
  20. Pfeffer

    indoor Mold problems with potted indoor pepper plants

    Along as the top soil says too wet you will have mold. Try watering from below, if you have good soil the cappilary effect should more or less distribute the water. Putting some sand on top also help to swiftly dry out the soil.