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  1. Pfeffer

    food STEAK!!

    I really love the argentine meals, makes me want to make a trip over there. Too bad my spanish is so bad, I just had it for one year in middle school. I'm happy if I can order beer and something to eat, but I wouldn't be able to survive for two weeks. It's also nice to see how different our...
  2. Pfeffer

    yield Yield?   It's like selling home made coca cola.
  3. Pfeffer

    When to increase pot size

    I agree with Meinchoh, it's better to pot them to early than too late. If they become rootbound you'll need to cause some damage when untangling the roots. They will do just fine in bigger pots. If you don't have the space to do so yet, you can keep them in those pots  until they are about 6"...
  4. Pfeffer

    Hello from North part of Norway

    Greenhouses are a bit allergic for storms, but if you have a decent one they should be fine. I figure wood would be relatively affordable in your area, you might want to consider building a strong wooden frame with foil. It's easy to make and should be relatively cheap.   I would last you...
  5. Pfeffer

    Hello from North part of Norway

    Hello from your Southern neighbours!     Chilis will do just fine up there, though you might need to keep them in a windowsill. Even the extremely hot chinenses (Carolina reapers, trinidad moruga scorpion etc) did good all the way up to Finnsnes (Lenvik, Troms). They were raised under some...
  6. Pfeffer

    What's the weirdest thing you've made with your peppers?

    Haha, to be honest I would eat durian again though if you seriously like funazushi.. step it up a notch and eat a can of Hákarl or Surströmming (and finish it). Both are banned from commercial flights as well. With a bit of fatalii powder of course. My (for you guys) weirdest thing was...
  7. Pfeffer

    What tomatoes are you growing? 2015

    I really only know 6 of that list. Not considering the brandywine variants (only know the heirloom). Funny how the varieties are much more regional than our peppers. We get a lot of east european/italian/french/russian varieties.
  8. Pfeffer

    What tomatoes are you growing? 2015

    Allthough it was one of my have to grows in the previous years, I decided to leave the San Marzano Romas, just sew the last 6 of that list, my goals is to end up with two mature plants of all six so that I get a steady supply of tomatoes.
  9. Pfeffer

    Rum Ham

    I don't know where that one came from, but I do use Whiskey, korn and other liquors in marinades. Though I think most evaporates.
  10. Pfeffer

    Green variety thoughts.

    There's only a handful of peppers that actually stay "greenish". It's considered a genetical defect (chlorophyl), it's very rare. All the annuums like jalapeno, thai green curry etc will eventually ripened to a different color. I only know two types of chinenses that remain greenish. I believe...
  11. Pfeffer

    Will this plant survive the fall?

    Yep, but a clean cut will be a lot less vulnerable. I had plants rotting in the Rain season at the place where they were pruned. It's never good if plants stay wet for a long time. Tomatoes are even more prone to rotting.
  12. Pfeffer

    Will this plant survive the fall?

    I'd recommend making the damage a bit worse.. At least if the plant will be put outside in the Rain. The break might hold water and therefore stays wet too long, which can cause rot. No need to do that while it's still inside though.
  13. Pfeffer

    Bei Pfeffer zuhause 2015

    Last year the last frost was early june, but usually you can put them outside around half May. A bit earlier if I can finish my greenhouse in time, then it would be end of April..   The whole house is built full with chilis. I don't mind, but Ms. Pfeffer does..
  14. Pfeffer

    Bei Pfeffer zuhause 2015

    Der Regenbogenfisch strikes again!    
  15. Pfeffer

    seeds Germinating fresh seed

    Haha, because in San Diego you don't get 3 months of 60-65 F in the summer..  : -)  We had some very good weather in may/june.. but the boost came in September in that year. So I had mature pods on the plants but they just refused to ripen for 3 months. In late August it became 90F for a few...
  16. Pfeffer

    seeds Germinating fresh seed

    You can, there's a good chance of germinating them. I even had seeds sprouting in the jalapeños when still on the plant (mature pods that were on the plant for 3 months due to cold european weather until they ripened after a late heatwave. Some jalapeños where filled with yellow sprouts.
  17. Pfeffer

    No new peppers... :(

    If the enviroment is still the same it can just be nature. Most chilis will only put out as many pods as the plant can support. Some varieties (mostly chinenses) are freaks and will keep producing. The larger the pods (i.e. weight) of the pods the more water and nutes the roots will need to...
  18. Pfeffer

    roots do not grow ???

    I agree with the wet soil people. It's like eating, you'll never learn to Cook if you always order in. It's the same for the plant, it will not make roots until it needs them. Because why spent effort and energy if you can take up enough water with only a small rootball? A fan will help a lot...
  19. Pfeffer

    Leaf curl on White Devil's Tongue

    Drainage holes don't really clog, don't worry about that. If you have them you are fine. Small pots will show these overwatering issues quite fast, it's basic math actually.. Potting soil can take about 10% (weight) of water, offcourse depending on the type of soil used (fibrous material holds...
  20. Pfeffer

    Leaf curl on White Devil's Tongue

    It looks more like overwatering than as a deficiency to me. Just water a bit less and punch some drainage holes in the cups.