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  1. Dr. Cres

    seeds Germinating Issues

    It seems like I'm constantly reading or hearing about other people's issues about getting difficult breeds and varieties of pepper seeds to germinate. I remember those frustrating times and how upset I would get when I spent good money on rare and interesting peppers only to have them either...
  2. Dr. Cres

    seeds General Germination Thread?

    Been working on it for years Fatty. Let me know how it works for you.
  3. Dr. Cres

    Garlic Sauce

    Thanks, I cant wait to try it. Thanks will try it out!!!
  4. Dr. Cres

    Garlic Sauce

    It seems like every Chinese restaurant I go to has their version of this recipe. It also seems like its their coveted treasure. I can't seem to find any source that can duplicate this sauce. There are a lot of recipes that claim its Garlic Sauce but it never ends up tasting like the Garlic...
  5. Dr. Cres

    Hello From Monson, Massachusetts

    Hello, Im sorry for the delay Im trying to figure out how to use this website. Thank you. Sorry for the delay in answering Im trying to figure out this Website!!!! Thank you. Sorry for the delay in answering Im trying to figure out this Website!!!! Thank you. Sorry for the delay in...
  6. Dr. Cres

    Hello from Italy!

    Hello and welcome. I don't speak Italian but my parents were Italian immigrants. I'm first generation American-Italian. I hope we can understand one another!!!
  7. Dr. Cres

    Heating Mat

    Thanks Farmer! Thanks Punn!
  8. Dr. Cres

    seeds General Germination Thread?

    I have grown out 15-20 Thousand peppers on my eight (8) acres and will be glad to help anyone get through this hurdle. I always soak my seeds. Why not? If you put them directly in a moist medium they eventually have to absorb water in order to germinate. All you are doing is helping them...
  9. Dr. Cres

    Heating Mat

    I have several Heating mats for starting my seeds. Can anything be put under them that will increase the heat. I don't use thermometers. What gave me the idea was I put my hand on the underside of my growing table and it was really warm so I'm wondering how much heat I'm losing that could...
  10. Dr. Cres

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

    Very Cool. I've been over-wintering for years and would like to offer a little advice. When you water add a little Hydrogen peroxide to the water. It brings oxygen down to the root system during winter and helps to keep them alive. I always cut and trim my roots. I also wash off all the old...
  11. Dr. Cres

    seeds Recommendations for boosting seedling growth?

    I've been feeding seedlings for 20 plus years. Never had a problem yet. Just carefully watch the tips of the leaves. If they tern brown or black cut back.
  12. Dr. Cres

    Hello From Monson, Massachusetts

    Hello everyone. I live in Monson, Ma. I own 8 acres up in the mountains. I am very knowledgeable about growing hot peppers. In my time I have grown out well over two hundred varieties up here in the mountains. I am very interested in meeting new people, developing friendships, talking about...