I know that you are suppose to use different fertilizers at different times. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are not supposed to fertilize super young plants. I would love some help to know when to add certain fertilizers to make my peppers mature to adult hood as fast as they can. Also what...
from this video he state that CHOCOLATE WRECKING BALL X 7-POT BROWN is the hottest he has had in 2017
I would check it out
there are many people claiming who has the hottest pepper. I was wondering what you guys think! Personally I do not believe that the new pepper x is the hottest because how can a green mustard chili get hotter than one million SHUs? So what do you think is the hottest chili? let me know. also...
I don't see any thing wrong. you have lots of buds for new leaves and the leaves don't look yellow either. most peppers grow slowly. most of mine don't grow at all for a few weeks and suddenly shoot up. if you do see any other bad signs take a picture and show us
Hi I started growing peppers a few years back, and now I want to start to cross-breed them. My plan is to cross a (reaper with a chocolate bhutlah) and a (yellow scotch bonnet with a moruga scorpion). After these crosses have been done I want to cross the resulting peppers. do you think this...