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  1. hoibot

    cooking over-cooking sauces

    i'd be surprised if cooking it a little longer than normal would be the sole reason for it to turn out crappy. seems like all other things that are cooked for a lengthy period (marinara sauce, chili, etc.) are always tastier after that cooking period. now, I know hot sauce isn't any of those...
  2. hoibot

    fermenting My first fermented hot sauce

    looks great! looking forward to seeing how this progresses.
  3. hoibot

    Dried pepper hot sauce

    sounds delicious. really curious to see how this turns out, please keep us posted!
  4. hoibot

    fermenting yellow peppers + mango + sweet potato ferment

    had some of this with dinner last night and the flavors are really more apparent even after a few days. i do get just a hint of mango in there and the sweet potato adds a different dimension, i can't really put my finger on it, but I can tell it's there. i'll be covering everything with this one...
  5. hoibot

    Help---fix my clumpy hot sauce

    also, if you don't need/want it to reduce so much (doesn't look like you had a ton of liquid to start with), just cover the pot as you process/boil it. worked great for me on the last sauce.
  6. hoibot

    fermenting yellow peppers + mango + sweet potato ferment

    thanks for the replies. i finished this one up tonight, 28 days of fermentation. right before i went on vacation a week ago Friday, I noticed a little island of kahm yeast floating on top, no biggie, just the first time i'd seen it in one of my ferments. this fermentation was not as vigorous as...
  7. hoibot

    My Last Two Sauces of the Year

    those both look and sound delicious! great work, don't forget to keep some for yourself! ;)
  8. hoibot

    fermenting Fermentation of peppers

    looks fine. as PrimeTime said, it was just the CO2 pushing the mash up and creating a 'liquid' looking portion and 'solid' looking portion. they are bound to come back together at some point during the fermentation.
  9. hoibot

    Season Ending Sauce...

    wow... that looks insanely delicious. excellent work!
  10. hoibot

    fermenting Jalapeño and Garlic Mash.

      that's correct, the organosulfur compounds found in garlic are antimicrobial. there are investigations being done to try and use these compounds in foods as alternatives to traditional preservatives.    not sure what the concentration would be to keep the micros at bay. however, it seems like...
  11. hoibot

    2 days, 4 sauces

    those all look great man!   curious if that was the total yield or if you got more jars of each?   and, did you add any ingredients to them (other than the white wine/seeds/pulp you mentioned) or are what we see there what was actually in the fermenting jar?    how is the consistency of the sauces?
  12. hoibot

    fermenting yellow peppers + mango + sweet potato ferment

    started a new ferment today. decided to continue the tropical theme with my hot sauces and chose mango for this one. it's tough to get any decent yield from mangoes, any pointers?   also decided to use sweet potato, yellow bell (for color and fill), a little carrot and a tiny bit of ginger, as...
  13. hoibot

    Fall Sauce making 2014; time to make the Sauces :)

    damn RocketMan, that one looks nuclear.
  14. hoibot

    Secret bottle source?

    i used Freund container ( recently and had a solid experience with them. i went through the main 3 sites that people seem to use (freund, specialty bottle, and SKS) to compare prices on the order and honestly they were very similar on each website, give or take a...
  15. hoibot

    Fresh vs Dry pods -- a Sauce experiment

    excellent, i look forward to seeing how this goes!
  16. hoibot

    We made our first sauces!!!

    well done! welcome to the obsession!
  17. hoibot

    Roasted Tomatillo-Chipotle Sauce

    looks good!
  18. hoibot

    My favorite hot sauce

    looks real tasty!
  19. hoibot

    fermenting "Lacto" Taste in Fermented Sauces?

      honestly, you can just do the batch of kimchi or sauerkraut without a starter, there is plenty of micros on those ingredients to get things going. then you can use those subsequent cultures to start other things if you want.
  20. hoibot

    fermenting "Lacto" Taste in Fermented Sauces?

    not to go too against the grain of what's been said here, but maybe try fermenting your peppers and other ingredients on a rougher chop with a 5% brine (as with naturally fermented pickles or sauerkraut). that way, if you don't want to use starter (for your own reasons), you can ensure with...