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  1. hoibot

    fermenting Unfortunate Upate!:: 5 Ferments and a Mustard

    looks great! nice idea with the mustard.   keep us updated on how the ferments go!
  2. hoibot

    condiment Thanks Salsalady, and everyone else!!!

    looks like you're good to go for a bit! nice looking work there.
  3. hoibot

    Fall Sauce making 2014; time to make the Sauces :)

    looking delicious once again sir!
  4. hoibot

    labels home print labels??

    salsalady, does 6-up refer to these? except maybe the laser printer version rather than the inkjet?
  5. hoibot

    fermenting Carribean Red/Hab Ferment

    After reading more about fermentation and forgetting that it can suck out all the sweetness from an ingredient, I decided to split the difference and process this hot sauce at 20 days. found some time the other night to get it done.   1) Check pH, which was 3.3. Good to go.   2) Dump contents...
  6. hoibot

    Habaruga Death Sauce

    looks dee-licious! nice work!
  7. hoibot

    RocketMans Theriac

  8. hoibot

    fermenting Giving it another go at fermentation.

    looks good! i like fermenting in the 1/2 gallon, it's a nice amount for keeping some and giving a few bottles away. will look forward to seeing how these come out!
  9. hoibot

    Ghost of a Scorpion hot sauce

    looks great, thanks for the detailed process and photos!
  10. hoibot

    suggestions for next year?

      absolutely, i will grow some peppers that we will use for everyday use. and your suggestions are appreciated!    thanks for all the other suggestions, this gives me some varieties to think about... those 7 pot burgundy peppers sound nice, as do all of the others... i may have to find more...
  11. hoibot

    Hatch Green Chile Sauce

    wow, that looks incredible. well done!
  12. hoibot

    Looking for advise on making a hot sauce plz!

    i'm no vet, but i'd maybe try something like this:   1/2 - 1 lb (or so) moruga, depending on how hot you want it up to 1 lb strawberries 1/2 to 1 whole head of garlic 1 sweet onion a few carrots 1 cup apple cider vinegar or some vinegar and some lime or lemon juice (i'm not so sure about this...
  13. hoibot

    suggestions for next year?

    after a successful year with 1 orange hab and 1 caribbean red (and 1 tobasco that wasn't all that successful), i'm definitely excited to grow more peppers next year and want to stick with mostly super hots, but am looking to expand a little.   i think i will grow a plant from my caribbean red...
  14. hoibot

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

      the most recent ferment i did, I took a page out of this book. i make naturally fermented pickles each year and normally use a 5% brine, so I decided to use that for this hot sauce ferment. the previous ferment I did, which turned out fine, didn't appear to have much activity because I did the...
  15. hoibot

    condiment Anyone with an AUTHENTIC mexican salsa recepie?

    another vote for Rick Bayless in getting you started. The guy makes amazing & authentic food and his salsa recipes (and all his recipes for that matter) are all easy and have turned out very well for me.
  16. hoibot

    Peach Surprise

    wow, that sauce looks/sounds stellar, as does the red one!
  17. hoibot

    fermenting Carribean Red/Hab Ferment

    there was a little liquid in the airlock the other day, so i opened the lid to release the pressure and there was a little liquid on the weight, so i dabbed my finger in there... got a little on my lips as i was tasting it. holy cow it's hot! obviously the other flavors aren't fully infused in...
  18. hoibot

    Paint Stripper (Red Ghost Hot Sauce)

    looks good! i saw that bottle of pace snuck into one of the picutres! ;)
  19. hoibot

    RocketMans Theriac

    they all look amazing!
  20. hoibot

    fermenting Carribean Red/Hab Ferment

    I've been harvesting peppers from my organe hab and Caribbean red plants for a few months now and stashing them away in the freezer for when the time strikes to make my second batch. well, tonight was the night to kick things off with the harvest. my first sauce was made with similar ingredients...