Thanks for your posts. I've fiddled with it quite a bit. I think my pump was reintroducing the bacteria. I left it running in a container with bleach water. In addition, two things seem to be working so far: 1) letting the return tube drop the water from the top of the reservoir, "waterfalling"...
I have a water reservoir, which is a 20 gallon food grade BRUTE trash can. I use a submersible pump to carry the water to an elevated, 5 gallon food grade bucket. This is part of a drip system where I need to keep the water level of the top bucket even (for even pressure for my blumat system)...
I see you're growing the facing heaven chilis again this year, and I'm glad to see it's doing well! I still have the plants I grew from the seeds you sent me (struggling through the overwinter process right now but will make it), and it's still one of my favorite varieties!
I recently got ladybugs delivered to me from Hirt's and even though they're all alive, 100 percent of them just want to go dormant, even though it looks like I got a mix of sizes and ages.
If your main goal is to keep the plants healthy, you can do that with much less light. What is your coverage area? If it's not too big you could run a 1000W light on half power for only 8 hours a day, and you'd probably still get some pods.
I hope your chocolate hab gets better. I'm not sure what that problem is - I've seen it on one of my plants but it went away with new growth. You might want to check water ph if you're not already.
What grow lights are you using?