misc Lady bugs and mantis's

Any one have any recommendations on where to pick up lady bugs and mantis's out of season? I have an epidemic of aphids that nothing else is working on. insecticidal soap and neem oil have done nothing in controlling them.
you need to know, ladybugs have a season. and even if you get them, now, they just go dormant. i have tried bringing them indoors but they just disappear, only to find them buried in cloth or other.
insect sleep is known as diapause.
at this time, the only thing you can do is: neem solution or a spray of pyrethrin. i use schultz  indoor garden spray. though i have neem oil, i have yet to get the formula correct and it burns my plants. the schultz spray will leave your plants with a soapy coating but that is better than dead plants.
good luck on your overwintering.
Burning Colon said:
you need to know, ladybugs have a season. and even if you get them, now, they just go dormant. i have tried bringing them indoors but they just disappear, only to find them buried in cloth or other.
insect sleep is known as diapause.
at this time, the only thing you can do is: neem solution or a spray of pyrethrin. i use schultz  indoor garden spray. though i have neem oil, i have yet to get the formula correct and it burns my plants. the schultz spray will leave your plants with a soapy coating but that is better than dead plants.
good luck on your overwintering.
Not an over winter project, continuious grow from reg season. Day time temps are 85. LBs will still go dormant?
Dont want to spray any toxins inside but neem oil hasn't been effective.
I recently got ladybugs delivered to me from Hirt's and even though they're all alive, 100 percent of them just want to go dormant, even though it looks like I got a mix of sizes and ages.
NateFrentz said:
I recently got ladybugs delivered to me from Hirt's and even though they're all alive, 100 percent of them just want to go dormant, even though it looks like I got a mix of sizes and ages.
Try running them under some water then put them in a vary warm bright place
and give them some sugar water
I used to hate lady bugs but since I started growing peppers they have become my best friend. They came kinda late in Tennessee this year.. I have been picking up the ones I find that made their way inside and put them on some of my plants I brought in for the winter that had aphids. They destroyed them in mere hours. I have looked into ordering them on places like amazon but haven't had to order any so I can't attest to how well they survive the trip. It doesn't seem to be too expensive though. I will be ordering some next year if the ladies come late again!