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  1. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    It hasnt had a fan running near it since before Christmas, of all my over winters this one never really slowed down, everything else took a break for winter while this one couldn't wait for summer! I will put the fan back in the room (much to the annoyance of my other half) and run it while she...
  2. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    I was thinking about that but wasnt sure if the stem would rot where its already turned a bit woody, about 3cm above the soil line I have fresh shoots growing so if I buried it about 10-15cm deeper I'm.sure I would get some nice roots. Just unsure if the woody bit below those shoots and just...
  3. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    On one of my devils tongue plants the main stem is very thin at the bottom and gradually gets larger as it goes up, the highest point has a diameter at least 3 x what it is at the bottom. Question 1... what would cause this to have happened. Question 2 is there anything I can do other that steak...
  4. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    Photo update, they are coming along but I have a bit of leaf curl going on. It's really humid in there as I have cuttings that receive a misting twice a day, they can also be a bit to close to the light. I'm having big problems with my back at the moment and it's very difficult for me to even...
  5. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    I gave away a few of my pink Tigers plants today, I wasnt going to over winter them as I only got about 7 pods off each plant even though the plants grew pretty big, also I really dont like how they taste, they over powered every dish I cooked with them. I initially grew them for the novelty of...
  6. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    Carolina reaper cuttings, and last photo is peach ghost, naga viper and Dorset naga cuttings.
  7. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    Nothing much to report, everything I have cut back is doing good and I'm starting to see some life from them. I will add some photos of the carolina reaper cuttings I took, they are all doing really well, there all starting to flower but I dont know if there big enough to actually set fruit. I...
  8. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    I like the sound of cooking them on the grill, are they big enough to stuff? Just a quick photo update, nothing much to report this early in the grow. They have a little bit of stretch going on so I have moved them closer to the light... (Purple pots on the left)
  9. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    I started a glog
  10. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    Hello and welcome to my Vezena Piperka glog. I have started 6 seeds which have just sprouted, they will be starting life under lights and when our days get a bit longer I will move them into a room that gets 80% of the days sunlight, then when it warms up outside Ieill move them into the...
  11. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    I went to take cuttings from the piri piri but I noticed a small spider mite infestation in the making. I have battled them many times before however this time I decided to take drastic measures as most of my plants are confined in the same room. I threw the piri piri away and I cut the tops of...
  12. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    The first 2 photos are from a couple of weeks ago, unfortunately there the best photos I can find. When I took the photos today it was after I cut her top off. Shes been growing in the same 1/4 litre pot for about 8 months. Her bottom half looks like it will be super bushy and the top half was...
  13. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    One of my dorset naga's has very hair leaves, is this normal for a dorset naga?
  14. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    Sorry to hear that. I haven't had much luck rooting chili cuttings, this is the first time I have used a rooting hormone and also it's a different seed starting mix I'm using and I've had a 100% success rate. I dont know if it's the rooting hormone or the new seed mix or maybe a combination of...
  15. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    The carolina reaper cuttings I took a few weeks ago have some really nice roots on them now. I carefully tapped of as much of the seed starting mix from around there roots and potted them back in the same pots but with a proper soil mix.
  16. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    All 6 seeds germinated, if I keep updating it will become a grow log so I will stop my updates (in this thread) now and come back with a review when I have some pods. I may or may not do a full grow log in the correct sub forum
  17. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    I started 6 vezena piperka seeds, I have another 10 that I will start a bit closer to summer
  18. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    Thanks for the replies. I just watched the nigel Carter review (thanks skullbiker) and now not just for the novelty I will be growing some this year.
  19. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    I have just been sent some Vezena Piperka seeds, has anyone grown these. I cant find to much information about them other than they originally come from Macedonia, the fruits can grow up to 30cm and the skin resembles elephant skin (they actually came to me labelled as elephant chili) The...
  20. Swinglish

    My Overwinter Room

    The sun finally came out today, you can see the naga vipers leaves drooping as she isn't use to any sun light.