Vezena Piperka

I have just been sent some Vezena Piperka seeds, has anyone grown these. I cant find to much information about them other than they originally come from Macedonia, the fruits can grow up to 30cm and the skin resembles elephant skin (they actually came to me labelled as elephant chili)

The attached photo is the pod my seeds came from. I will probably grow them this year just for the novelty


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Swinglish said:
I have just been sent some Vezena Piperka seeds, has anyone grown these. I cant find to much information about them other than they originally come from Macedonia, the fruits can grow up to 30cm and the skin resembles elephant skin (they actually came to me labelled as elephant chili)

The attached photo is the pod my seeds came from. I will probably grow them this year just for the novelty
I have grown them before. The vendor I bought them from sold them as Albanian Red Hots. I thought they were good and will probably grow them again sometime.
All 6 seeds germinated, if I keep updating it will become a grow log so I will stop my updates (in this thread) now and come back with a review when I have some pods. I may or may not do a full grow log in the correct sub forum


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Swinglish said:
All 6 seeds germinated, if I keep updating it will become a grow log so I will stop my updates (in this thread) now and come back with a review when I have some pods. I may or may not do a full grow log in the correct sub forum
Good to see the perfect germination. I am just hoping my OLD seeds spring to life. If they do, we can compare plants and pods. Just for the record, a glog with pictures is always welcome.
AaronTT said:
I really love these. They have a rich flavor, and are great both fresh and dried. They make one of the best tasting powders.

The only thing is that they dont produce well. You need to grow a few of them to get a nice harvest.
I have grown this pepper about 3 times, I get peppers, but not a lot. I thought it was something I was doing wrong. This year I purchased new seeds, and thought maybe they would produce more in an Earthbox. We’ll see.
Swinglish said:
All 6 seeds germinated, if I keep updating it will become a grow log so I will stop my updates (in this thread) now and come back with a review when I have some pods. I may or may not do a full grow log in the correct sub forum
I commend you for wanting to follow up on this pepper as I'm interested in growing it. I've seen topics moved so if you use the Report button at the bottom of your posts or you can send it to THP Contact Info via PM.
Dont feel bad if they dont, as this variety is known for poor production. I believe if you have the space they are still worth growing. There is a version called piperka mini that is supposed to have the same flavor, but produces much better. I have not grown it yet, but want to give it a try.

roper2008 said:
I have grown this pepper about 3 times, I get peppers, but not a lot. I thought it was something I was doing wrong. This year I purchased new seeds, and thought maybe they would produce more in an Earthbox. We’ll see.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
I commend you for wanting to follow up on this pepper as I'm interested in growing it. I've seen topics moved so if you use the Report button at the bottom of your posts or you can send it to THP Contact Info via PM.
Paul, PM me your address, if you need some seeds.
I have grown it too, for few years, also not much productive for me too. But well, they are big enough, and even if is not a 100% rule, I could say that bigger peppers are produced in lower quantities, and smaller peppers in higher quantities. More or less. Now, maybe one could say, if lack of ground, the harvest is not worth the place is take in the garden.
My seeds were from some peppers a coworker from Serbia sent me years ago. He bought them in a holiday from Niska Banja, south Serbia. The name Albanian is not quite correct (and I don't want to spark a racist discussion here), because they are cultivated and used in Serbia too (and here I say again, the boirders in our area were always moved, also the "rulers" inside the same border changed from time to time, for example my area was on different times under the rule of Romanians, Otomans, Austro-Hungarians, Serbians, ...).
I grew it (under the name Rezha) a couple of years ago and am trying it again this year.  A friend sent me some seeds of Mini Vezena Piperka which I was going to grow instead, but I can't find them, so decided to go for the big ones again.
They produced reasonably well for me before and the pods were really big.  I powdered them for paprika and because they are quite meaty, a few pods make more powder than would normally be the case.