Search results

  1. Jetchuka

    evergreen tomato not producing

    It could be anything, imbalances in the soil (soil test needed), excess nitrogen applied at the wrong times (this is usually the problem), the species may not like  the heat or your climate, etc etc.   Sometimes the extra love we apply to fix the problem can make things worse. Usually you are...
  2. Jetchuka

    media Coco Potting Mix

    Must be the brand i'm using then, always used Zoo-Med bricks. But like i said, i always prepped it with a double soak and drain it to guard against salt content. And i always used balanced nutrition, but coco's high phosphorus may have mucked things up for me. One way or another, the nutrition...
  3. Jetchuka

    Peppers struggling (pictures included)

    Pretty late in the season unless you plan on overwintering. They do have an overwatered look, could be low root oxygen, or both.   It looks like a well draining gritty mix, could have probably used some more perlite though. It may have a moisture control agent holding too much water. What brand...
  4. Jetchuka

    Another introduction and some questions

    :welcome:  to the forums.     For mild Chinense  Habanero-type varieties, you can look up the following: - Amazon Chili Roma - The "Seasoning Peppers", Trinidad, Grenada, Tobaggo, St. Lucia, etc etc - Numex Suave Orange or Red - Aji Dulce - Trinidad Perfume   For  Baccatum types like your Aji...
  5. Jetchuka

    Plant disease help MY Whole Garden is sick!!!

    I may be wrong, but after many years i've yet to see plain water do what i see in the pictures. I understand the water droplet magnification thing, but it's kinda rare in real life.   My guess is either some rare, quick acting disease, which i sorta doubt, or overspray / mist droplets that...
  6. Jetchuka

    OMG Turn Effing Red Already!!!

    I know with tomatoes you can force late season ripening by taking a sharp spade, place it 6 inches away from the stem, and cut into the roots from two sides of the plant. Having the roots cut this way supposedly sends a signal to ripen the last green tomatoes. This is an end of season trick so i...
  7. Jetchuka

    Introduction + Help Needed for Next Year's Grow

    Welcome to the forums and your new addiction :welcome:   For early  workhorses i suggest sweet banana, hot banana, Hungarian wax. In late April / early May you can pick up a cheap flat from a gardening store that contains all three, You can prepare them any which way, stuffing, roasting, salads...
  8. Jetchuka

    in-ground Ground Info Needed

    Lots of compost, plant material, leaves, thin twigs, tree bark mulch, aged manures. Scratch it all in under the surface, eventually you'll turn it under and add more on top.   One big thing to watch out for is weed seeds from raw hay/grasses, and if any herbicides/pesticides were sprayed on the...
  9. Jetchuka

    Spraying plants with 3 things tomorrow

    Aphids tend to slow down, or disappear, in the hottest parts of the summer.   I'd skip the neem and epsom salt for a week or more. And if it were me, i would concentrate on fertilizing the soil, so the plants can feed the traditional way.
  10. Jetchuka

    seeds Ocean Forest or Pro-Mix BX for seedling transplants?

    You won't go wrong with either, or even both mixed because the PH range is close. If you eventually plan on filling big pots then i'll recommend using both from a cost standpoint. You'll eventually need a balanced fertilizer anyway. For sprouts/seedlings I cut my ocean forest with coco choir +...
  11. Jetchuka


    That is one strong flush of peppers. That plant is a producer.   Would be nice to bag some flowers and regrow a few of them next year. If it is a cross, i wonder what the F2's would look like.
  12. Jetchuka

    media Coco Potting Mix

    In my experience, mixes heavy in coco always lead to yellow chlorotic plants. I never figured out if it was the high water retention, poor air penetration, or even both (both cause similar problems). I do the usual double rinse and drain, in case of salt. But i've used it straight and don't...
  13. Jetchuka

    The official TOMATO thread

        Oh boy does that Black Prince look good. Good enough for me to consider for next year.   Any opinions on flavor or flavor strength? Does it taste  like any other more common tomato?   Edit: just briefly searched google, i can't find a single bad opinion about it. Seems like it's more to the...
  14. Jetchuka

    Transplanted a reaper plant still wilting after 20 hrs . Is this bad?

    You're doing all of the right things imho.   Roots aren't pulling water full force just yet, so you are keeping the soil wetter than normal. And you are giving them time in the shade.   The plant looks good considering, at worst it'll take a few more days to look perky.
  15. Jetchuka

    media Coco Potting Mix

    A few ideas to break that coco mix down further, can you get your hands on any of the following:   - Peat - Pine bark mulch, but you would sift out the medium and larger pieces and not use them. Other mulches would work but you want a bag of the finer stuff with no color treatment. - Compost...
  16. Jetchuka

    the scary moment

    Back in 2011 i lost a lot of bulk annuum seedlings in their first time outside and in direct sun, wasn't more than an hour, pretty sure it was around 45 minutes?   Their soil may have been a little dry, can't remember. But death came very quick after the "droop" stage.   You really have to keep...
  17. Jetchuka

    water Is it ok to water in the middle of a really hot day?

    ^^ Good point Phil. And it would make sense if that's where the practice started. To a farmer, water is a commodity, so watering at dusk would minimize evaporation the most.   Today i watered at mid-day, the first time i've done that in a long time. Otherwise it's morning or dusk for me.
  18. Jetchuka

    ughh did i do a bad thing?!

    May wanna give your newly potted plants a day in the shade tomorrow, or the 1st half of the day at the very least.
  19. Jetchuka

    media Coco Potting Mix

    It all depends on what type, but normally i wouldn't use ground soil in containers, at least not that high of a percentage.   As with coco, it can also pack up too tight and not allow enough oxygen to the roots, resulting in those chlorotic plants i was talking about. Unfortunately you would not...
  20. Jetchuka

    Cal & Mag Tabs

    Just don't make the mixture too strong unless you are going to spread it out very well.   Even if they are not directly absorbable by the plant, soil organisms will break them down further, then the plants would take them up. This *may* take weeks or months.   Otherwise vitamins are a little...