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evergreen tomato not producing

i have 4 huge evergreen tomato plants i got the seeds from pepperjoes and they have massive amount of flowers on them, i give them calmag and ive even put in ground up eggshells for calcium, ive also given them compost tea and everything, yet no tomatoes at all, the flowers shrivel up and go brown and thats it, ive pollinated myself there is bees and wind, i dont know what to do.
anyone help?
will post picks later
It could be anything, imbalances in the soil (soil test needed), excess nitrogen applied at the wrong times (this is usually the problem), the species may not like  the heat or your climate, etc etc.
Sometimes the extra love we apply to fix the problem can make things worse. Usually you are better off applying a balanced nutrition, early in the season, and just let it ride. Then follow-up mid-season with more nutrition, stuff that's formulated specifically for tomatoes because they can be finicky plants. Potassium and Phosphorus are  important, but in the right ratios.
i used early on tomato nutrients but i havent used any in over a month or so, only things ive done really is compost tea and calcium lately to try and fix it, weather is good for tomatoes almost perfect right now and i dont get them wet when i water lol
What has your weather been like the past several weeks?  Temps high and low and weather in general wreak havoc on tomato flower set.    
Balduvian said:
average mid 70's to 80 sometimes a little higher 85 maybe max, and 60 at night
Your temps are near perfect.  Have you had a lot of rain?  Over watering is a sure fire way to lose your flowers too.
no rain in like a month
today i went outside to look around and tomatoes yay, looks like at least 5 small ones on 1 plant to start, has to be 200 flowers on it lol
its around 5-6 feet tall and 4 feet wide the plant