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  1. JuanH

    Hey from Hamburg

    Hello from Cologne :welcome:
  2. JuanH

    serrano x orange habanero= serrabanero

    Very interesting new variety( I especially like the color). And your corn is just GIGANTIC. BR Jan
  3. JuanH

    chinense scorpion, 7 pot, and douglah origins

    Potawie pretty nailed it how C. chinense came to Trinidad. BTW has there been an analysis on the genome oof the Trinidad Superhots?(Or is there one underway ?) It would be interesting to know if they got some C. frutescens in thei genome, to. Oh and @ Omri, there has been cast some doubt that...
  4. JuanH

    ripening off plant

    I use bananas instead of apples, and it works fine for me. Though I never tried apples BR Jan
  5. JuanH

    Pepper injuries

    Some years ago, I made Habanero hot sauce in a blender. that blender exploded and I got hot sauce all oer my face, including eyes, ears and nose... and of course whole the kitchen so my mother was angry and I had to clean it. But that´s nothing compared to an incident where I had some extract...
  6. JuanH

    Whats your plan for next season?

    Yeah I wished I could grow many more of the same variety, but my restricted rome prohibits that, and the only free areas around my home are dedicated for building and thus utterly expensie. The only ones that werent were sold before I thought of buying them and now there is a nice golf course...
  7. JuanH

    Not ripe superhots

    I would cut open one of the fruits and look inside to see if the seeds ere already viable( to contrary belief, seeds may already be viable in "unripe" fruit). You MAY have luck, as they need to be pretty late in thei developement( full pod size). Once I got seeds from some turkush peppers which...
  8. JuanH

    Whats your plan for next season?

    I already have 80 packets of seeds right here on my desk... that + overwinterers + the other 40 varieties planned will force me to grow only a single plant of most varieties( except for projects). :rofl: Nonetheless I will have to expand to two more localities(my poor relatives) and I will grow...
  9. JuanH

    contest October ideas

    In German it is Schweinenetz( pig/porknet) or Fettnetz(grease/fatnet). The only other English word for it is greater omentum( omentum majus). BR Jan
  10. JuanH

    You know you're a pepper freak if:

    When the gloves you were wearing deseeding superhots leak and you suddenly feel the urge to go to toilet you just think :"Nah, I think that will be okay..."
  11. JuanH

    contest October ideas

    I am greatly for a German Oktoberfest Throwdownbecause I tink this is the only one where I have agood chance of winning :lol: And I haven´t made sausages and bread myself for a long time, so it should be fun. And about the casings there is bigger variety here in Germany than one would think...
  12. JuanH

    Tarantula Talk

    I used to have a female Brachypelma albopilum until earlier this year, when she died with 17 years of age: She was a kinda big specimen( big in size not fat because of overfeeding ) and I had her for 10. Unfortunately I was not "allowed"(read: did not want to make conflict over getting another)...
  13. JuanH

    do peppers produce more in thwe second year.

    I also have to agree with with Bob_B that most C. annuum are not worth overwintering(atleast outside of the tropics), the only ones I can think of are the wilds/semiwilds, Goats Weed and Chile de Arbol( In the second year it can honour its name with its growth) BR Jan
  14. JuanH

    do peppers produce more in thwe second year.

    Hello armac, I think they should not need the rest period as they are quite tropical plants, so if you provide enough light and warmth, they should grow on( Albeit I have no idea about the winter in Texas...): For example I have a 5 year old C. pubescens in my Grenhouse with a minimum...
  15. JuanH

    What significance does your Username have?

    The first part of my is what they call me in Mexico sometimes because they have problems pronuncing my name right :rofl: so I prefered them calling me Juan... The second part is the first letter of my last name. BR Jan
  16. JuanH


    Wow the coffe method seems very nice, I´ll give it a try. Haha the Aphids seem to die off caffeine poisoning( I guees I would die to if I would intake that much caffeine) And It is natural, too. Currently I use natural Pyrethrum from Tanacetum Chrysanthemes, it works pretty well, but its quite...
  17. JuanH


    IMO Starfish is a very neat pepper, not because of its taste( the taste is not bad but nothing special, I would reccomend it as a powder), but because of its ease to grow. Once I planted one in a pot of about 3 liters, and still gave a lot of fruit( seems to be an umbillicatum trait). One guy I...
  18. JuanH

    The Frankonian Chili Dude!!!

    Hello Micha, Nice plants and also nice to have another German around here. BTW, may I ask you where you got you Lotah Bih from? There seem to be two different variants around( one looks more like a chinense, the othe more frutescens) BR Jan
  19. JuanH


    I handle it like PIC 1. I LOVE the taste of cilantro but most people here do not... and unfortunately it is not always available too. BR Jan
  20. JuanH

    Santuko, what's it good for?

    I have 3 Santoku knives and I love them. I use them mostly for chopping vegetables, and chopping garlic and onions is very easy eith this type of knife. Even though they are very good, I am looking forward to buy a Japanese Bunkaboocho for cutting my peppers. They look pretty similar but the...