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  1. badnews222

    movies What's Your Favorite Rocky Movie?

    I pity the fool that dosent vote rocky 3 as the best...haha :party:
  2. badnews222

    Stupid question ...but?

    can anyone enlighten me on what flavour  i can expect from the 7 pot? its starting to bloom! :)
  3. badnews222

    What's Up From The Great White North!

    Welcome! another fellow canadian here also...
  4. badnews222

    Stupid question ...but?

    Like i said , im fairly new to this, currently im growing some 7pot, reaper, and bhut...ive only actually powdered hot portugals (which arent hot in comparison) , purple gusto ,and habaneros...i LOVE the smell of them after they have been roasted, but cant actually say i can taste any kind of...
  5. badnews222

    Stupid question ...but?

    I often here people on here talking about how they love the flavour of "such and such" super hot you guys actually eat them and enjoy the flavour? I personally like to grow them , dry them, and then make into flakes....and on some occasions sauce. I can't say i have actually ever...
  6. badnews222

    tv Any fans of the series Breaking Bad ?

    Sons of Anarchy was an amazing show! Not sure which one i liked better that or B.B.
  7. badnews222

    Hello from Mass.

  8. badnews222

    Hot Sauce Give-away Contest

    I love THP because of this very thread!!!  :dance:
  9. badnews222

    No new peppers... :(

    well i fertilize (foliar) every week alternating fish emulsion, and epsom salts...with miracle grow every couple of weeks, so i dont think the plant is lacking i said the plant is healthy,...ill wait till the weather warms up and put it outside so it can get real sunlight and...
  10. badnews222

    No new peppers... :(

    too much or not enough?
  11. badnews222

    My spring start up

    what else do you have growing in that first pic? the one with the netting....
  12. badnews222

    seeds "Free" Seed Give Away!

    no chance of shipping to canada? ;)
  13. badnews222

    My spring start up

    Nice setup! Good luck! Wish we had the weather you guys get downthere! On a sidenote, your lawn looks like it could use some watering...j/k  ;)
  14. badnews222

    No new peppers... :(

    i do have a fan blowing...and the blossoms seem to be sticking...the plant is healthy...recently trimmed it back, because it was growing out of control.
  15. badnews222

    No new peppers... :(

    So Ive been growing peppers indoors over the winter here in ontario, canada..., got a bhut that turned out to be a red sav... anyways the plant matured and produced about 20 peppers, which had me doing cartwheels! Unfortunately there hasnt been any new peppers after that first round. the...
  16. badnews222

    So uh, hey.

    Hello from Canada!
  17. badnews222

    shopping Best (cheapest) place to buy LED lights in canada....

    Looking to increase my growing area, currently have a 180 watt led , that lights up a 3x3 area, but going to start other veggies so Im going to get another light, anyone know of a reliable vendor in canada, looking to avoid overpriced shipping charges....thanks in advance!
  18. badnews222

    Trying to grow Carolina Reaper

    i think it might be toast. i just moved it, and it toppled over...its like it dosent have a good root system....fn eh..
  19. badnews222

    Trying to grow Carolina Reaper

    the pot has drainage, and the led light is actually very bright. its one of these...full spectrum 180 watts
  20. badnews222

    Trying to grow Carolina Reaper

    Im trying to grow what i think is a carolina reaper. The plant dosen't look healthy. big issue is that it seems the soil never dries out, and the leaves and blossoms dry out and fall off. Any blooms that do come up tend to be small. i can go two weeks without the soil drying out, is this an...