Yes but only opened the pack once last year to trade with someone. I think the orange hab I planted for my buddy had the tree hab seed in the pack. The orange hab seeds were form the same person I got the tree hab seeds from. Maybe they got a few mixed up. The other 3 plants I gave him were from...
I got the seeds (non isolated) from my fatalis last year which were true and not a F1 ect, so if it was a cross it would be a F1. After seeing the pics of the tree hab I'm 100% sure that's what is is..........just not sure how it happened :surprised:
That's it. I have NOOOOOOO idea how I ended up giving him that since I have never grown it in the past. I have seeds from a trade though.. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
Not this year but I had one last year. I thought it was a thai/fatali cross since I gave him a fatali plant that was planted with non isolated seeds saved from the year before and there he doesn't have a fatali. The only thing is that chinense crosses have at least 2 peppers per node since I was...
Yes there's only one flower per node. Any ideas what it is then? It has plain white petals and the peppers are about twice as big as a thai or birdseye. The weird part is I was pretty sure what seedlings I gave him. It almost looks baccatum to me but it can't be because of the petals.