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  1. Chorizo857_62J

    Will Ferrell on Hot Ones

    Watched both this evening...Ramsey had a bit of a hard time in comparison.  Lime and lemon juice??? Plus the rated PG-13 bleep out would have muted the whole BLEEPING thing.  I do enjoy his cooking, though.  I will follow that, just for entertainment of people who may not understand hot peppers...
  2. Chorizo857_62J

    Is this plant dead?

    Water them.  What do you have to loose?  If they were barren of leaves, then maybe so.
  3. Chorizo857_62J

    food Make your best taco.

    Si Senor. Yo Tambien.
  4. Chorizo857_62J

    food Make your best taco.

    Improvisation has its risks...
  5. Chorizo857_62J

    Fatalii Llama 2020

    Them's a lot of peppers to tend to.  Good Luck.
  6. Chorizo857_62J

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Looks like great fishing grounds!
  7. Chorizo857_62J

    hot-sauce Which Scorpion pepper sauce?

    Are they missing a "0" on the scoville units?  Seems like 530,000 would make more sense.
  8. Chorizo857_62J

    fermenting Why do I keep getting negative pressure in my ferments?

    I saw this with one of mine.  I removed the airlock, checked the mash, and then re-installed the air lock after stirring the ingredients.  Did not have any adverse results.  I've also had them burp out, but managed.
  9. Chorizo857_62J

    The Lasagna is ready!

    Oohh Yeah!
  10. Chorizo857_62J

    The Lasagna is ready!

    Looks Great!
  11. Chorizo857_62J

    hot-sauce Sorry Guys Your Favorite Hot Sauce is Bad!!!

    Was this the whiskey or a hot sauce?  so many are making one these days.  $46 for Old Bay hot sauce?  I am well familiar with George's whiskey blend, used to be my favorite in the '90s.  Not so much now. An alternative to old JD.  Now I prefer Canadian blends, but maybe I am just getting old and...
  12. Chorizo857_62J

    food Make your best taco.

    Embrace the love of food...people...and peppers, lots of peppers ( and guns, pizza, tacos, did I say guns already?)..
  13. Chorizo857_62J

    Need Your Vote!

  14. Chorizo857_62J

    food Make your best taco.

    Will be looking for that.
  15. Chorizo857_62J

    food Make your best taco.

    Well done man!  That incentivizes me (or I am easily influenced...but who cares)..
  16. Chorizo857_62J

    food STEAK!!

    3 square meals, APPROVE.
  17. Chorizo857_62J

    shopping Wife and I are looking at buying a house. Don’t know if I should bother trying to grow, this year.

    Congratulations!  Definitely +1 on downsizing the active grow.  Save all your other stuff for a few more seasons in, if you get the breathing time.  first things first. J.
  18. Chorizo857_62J

    Peter Stanley - 2020 Grow Log

    Off to a good start!  I always enjoy your videos.
  19. Chorizo857_62J

    food The Soup Thread

    That looks GREAT!