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    pruning A Simple Guide to Topping and Pruning

    Can I top my plants immediately after transplanting, or should I give them a week or so to settle in?
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    Changing Light Cycles to induce or help flowering

    Are you 100% sure about that?  Just double checking. ;)
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    Changing Light Cycles to induce or help flowering

    I'm pretty sure we covered that already Willard... lol :rolleyes:
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    Florida storms

    Just to add to this, it's also about leaching of your nutrients. The rain can quickly wash out all of the water soluble nutrients you may have applied. This is probably a case where a fast draining soil mix both helps and hurts you...
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    seeds Newbie, bought seedlings (4 varieties, 9 total) that arrived the other day, in a little over my head

    It's good that you're not up to any super-complicated growing methods, because,generally speaking the less complicated the better off you are... New growers tend to over do just about everything lol... Over complicate, over water, over fertilize, over attend, etc... How big are the rectangular...
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    what is this from?

    Picture?... Lol
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    Can I use triple mix in pots?

    ?? I wouldn't use that mix in a pot, sounds heavy and slow draining to me...
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    Cost to make an AACT brewing setup

    I'm just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. The videos are pointless without a dissolved oxygen test to show any measurable difference. At any rate, I'm not going to fault anyone for using them, but IMO they just are an added expense that is not needed. I get frothy Brews in 24...
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    Curled leaves, mostly on new growth - what is it?

    Burnt tips on the leaves could be under or over fertilizing, and yes you can over do it with any fertilizer organic, synthetic, etc...
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    Cost to make an AACT brewing setup

    Personally, I feel the air stones are not needed. I'm a long time aquarium hobbyist, and I was also the acting curator of a large saltwater (10,000 plus gallon) system for a large chain restaurant for a few years. Breaking the surface tension of the water and circulating water in a system does...
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    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    A good source of fungal/bacterial Inoculate is espoma brand starter plus organic fert, or jobes organic tomato food. They are both packed with fungal and bacterial strains, and are much less expensive than the various guano. One bag of either would last a whole season easy, provided you store...
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    Curled leaves, mostly on new growth - what is it?

    +1 to double checking for mites and or ahpids as they do like to congregate in the new growth nodes and can cause deformations.    It is probably just a bit of over watering though, and make sure your not over doing it with the ferts.
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    soil A must read for those interested in the soil food web

    PMD,   Thanks for the heads up, just picked it up on my lunch break, and so far it's a great read.  One from my collection that I would recommend is "Worms Eat My Garbage" by Mary Applehof.... pretty simple and straightforward, but a good reference.
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    sun Sunburn or something else?

    If it is sunburn, depending on how bad they were burned, the brown could be completely normal.  Were the plants hardened off prior to being put outside?  Sunburn USUALLY only occurs if the plants were not properly hardened off.
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    Plant out problem! What caused this?

    Did you harden them off at all?
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    Looks what growing at the shack

    Looks to me like they could be brown marmogated stink bugs.. and mating ones at that.  We have those bastards all over NJ, and they  are a PITA!  Check the undersides of leaves for their eggs.  If you can make a positive ID that that's what they are, then, KILL EM ALL!!!!!!    Try not to squish...
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    will it change shape?

    Peppers (and all plants) do odd things sometimes... here is a pic of one of my Jalapenos from last year that decided it wanted to look like a mini purple bell...  Stress, cold weather, etc... during pollination can cause some odd shaped fruits to form...    
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    (EDIT: Getting Worst!!!) My plants need your help!

    Try taking a sample of your tap and letting it sit overnight before testing it.  The pH will often "rebound" once the water has sat and stabilized for a bit.  The 6.5 - 6.9 readings your are getting may not be 100% accurate if you are testing the water right after taking a sample.       I know...
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    Still wondering about coffee bags for growing

    Pmd, They should work great, prob as good as any of the commercial products. The difference is probably only in their long term durability... I would expect a season out of them, and then it's probably time for the compost pile, but they are free so... The only other thing to maybe consider...
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    (EDIT: Getting Worst!!!) My plants need your help!

    Are you watering with city supplied water or from a well, or other source? I ask because a lot of municipal water sources have good amounts of calcium and magnesium it's just unavailable due to the high pH of city water. The pH is usually buffered up to 8 or higher to reduce degradation of...