sun Sunburn or something else?

A few of my plants have been looking like this, in the last few days, any idea?
I am thinking sunburn.

It's only on 2 plants (pictured above) and come to think of it, its in a place where the sun is there longer.
I made a foiler spray using a tiny amount of ferts, and its going to rain today and tomorrow.
The pics where taken this morning (while raining)
Yep, makes sense now, almost positively sunburn, which means they'll be fine.
If it were me, i would wait a few days then snip off just a couple of the most raggedy leaves on each plant.
Outside of the bad-wet-leaf-scenario that fresh rain ought to produce some nice green growth.
If it is sunburn, depending on how bad they were burned, the brown could be completely normal.  Were the plants hardened off prior to being put outside?  Sunburn USUALLY only occurs if the plants were not properly hardened off.
Bad case of sunburn. Does the underside of the leaves look less damaged?

Have you had extreme cold temps ? The yellowing can be caused by cold wet soil.
I had to bring them in for a couple days when the temp dropped, and then placed them outside facing east, so they would get the morning sun.
Prior to that I had them doing well in both afternoon and morning sun. So maybe the time indoors didn't help.
The good thing though is that there is a lot of new green growth underneath these leaves, just wondering if i should clip off the burnt leaves or just leave them on.
Clip off the largest of the damaged leaves. That will push the plant into production. Keep the soil on the dry side or the roots will hinder causing a temporary shutdown.