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  1. mega

    Clarification of terms

    seedling: (SEED' ling): an irresistable play and food object for the cat, which is grudgingly tolerated due to the "It's in their nature" theory mature plant: (maTURE' PLANT): something the cat won't dare mess with or said animal goes to live in the woods, and knows it
  2. mega

    What size pots do you all use to grow your peppers outside.

    I get mine at Home Depot. The 5 gallon is their 11.5" (wide) x 12" (deep) round plastic pot. The 7 gallon is their square 14" (wide) plastic pot. They also sell a 10 gallon, but I've never used one.
  3. mega

    lighting Leaves turned purple under Floro lights

    This happened to me last year. I replaced my cheapo flouro setup with an expensive bank of more powerful T5 lights, which promptly turned about 75 % of my seedlings purple. I thought I had killed them or something, but in the end it had no effect whatsoever on plant growth. Pulling up the...
  4. mega

    What size pots do you all use to grow your peppers outside.

    I use the traditional 5 gallon gardening pot (which isn't 5 gallons, unlike a 5 gallon paint bucket which is actually 5 gallons). It's 12" deep and 11.5" across. That seems to be an appropriate sized pot for most peppers. However, 7 gallon pots work better with plants that grow larger than...
  5. mega

    Egg cluster identification

    yeah, it is a certainty that those are stinkbug eggs, not a likelihood. It's 100 %. There is nothing beneficial about stinkbugs. Two courses of action are required: - destroy that leaf and all the eggs attached to it - carefully inspect all other leaves near it and, if possible, throughout...
  6. mega

    Egg cluster identification

    those are stink bug eggs.
  7. mega

    Pod ripening question

    the pods produce a chemical called ethylene gas, which causes them them to ripen. If you put them in a bag, it traps the gas, which causes accelerated ripening. However, if you have an overripe/rotted pod, it will cause all of them to overripen/rot faster too, so it's important for them to be...
  8. mega

    What is the most robust, vigorous and tall pepper ?

    I had two aji limons last year - they grew 6+ feet tall, and gave me 324 pods. The previous year, they'd grown to about the same size but more along the lines of 80-100 pods each rather than 2010's 162 each.
  9. mega

    seeds Germination temps??

    I prefer a slightly lower temperature, 83 degrees, rather than 85. But 96 is definitely too hot. You should really aim to keep it in the 80 to 85 zone. After they germinate, though, you want to reduce the temperature. Mid 80's is only for germination.
  10. mega

    seeds noob seed germination question

    Seeds will germinate at 75 degrees, but much more slowly than at the optimal 82-83. The real question is if the temperature might've been even lower, like down at 69-70 (room temperature for most). At room temperature, germination rates will fall off a cliff, and germination times will be...
  11. mega

    Need variety suggestions

    Serrano is the traditional salsa pepper. You should check out the Serrano Del Sol. They grow copiously, and are about 1.5x the size of a normal Serrano (TomatoGrowers says 2x but that wasn't true for me), so they should be kinda fun for kids to grow.
  12. mega

    media Starting in peat pellets

    You could also try coir pellets. Burpee sells a nice little system (available at Home Depot) with 36 or 72 coir pellets, in 6x6 and 6x12 cell trays with holes in the bottom of each cell for bottom watering, a dome, and a bottom tray, for $7 and $9. Coir doesn't dry to a brick like peat; it's...
  13. mega

    lighting Indoor Lighting Distance Help

    T8's at 4" should be fine. But if you are uncomfortable with it, there is no penalty for backing it up to 6 or 8 " for a while to see how things progress. At the cotyledon stage where you're currently at, it doesn't matter much. The cotyledons are basically giving the plant what it needs to...
  14. mega

    lighting Indoor Lighting Distance Help

    If the lights were too close, the leaves would turn a dark-ish purple, so that is probably not the case. Just put your fingers in there right above the tips of the seedlings. If it's a little warm, that's about right. If it's hot, the light is too close. 4" should be OK; no harm would be...
  15. mega

    fruit borers

    Stink bugs.
  16. mega

    fruit borers

    I figured out how to post links as opposed to direct pix, so as not to subject viewers to gross pepper infestation porn unless they choose to see it. So I herewith include two links of pictures of what a pod looks like when (a) infested by pepper maggots, and then (b) left alone for a month to...
  17. mega

    Jolokia Newbie Looking for Feeding Advice

    I used only TomatoTone and some fish/seaweed fertilizer in pots with ProMix last year (in alternating weeks) and the plants grew quite satisfactorally. The previous year I used only TomatoTone. Almost everything that people talk about adding into their plant feeding is already in the TomatoTone...
  18. mega

    fruit borers

    It does suck. Really suck. You have to see the inside of a pod that's been eaten by maggots to know just how much it sucks. It's positively nauseating ... and I have a very thick skin for garden pests. I'll share lettuce leaves with slugs; I'll eat pods that stink bugs have munched on; but...
  19. mega

    fruit borers

    If it looks something like this, it's pepper maggots, and you are hosed....because they have already left the pepper, and that is why there is a hole; they've crawled out. Note that in the first pic, the very visible white not-quite-hole is where the eggs were inserted by the mother under the...
  20. mega

    Question about applying epsom salt

    Greetings all, Wondering if anyone can shed some light on how to apply epsom salt. Last year, I dissolved the proper amount of epsom in hot water, then sprayed it on my seedlings as a foliar spray. So far so good ... except the next day, the leaves were covered in whitish, grimy, salty gunk...