Im sorry if this question has been asked a million times. This is my first time on this site. Anyways, I know NOTHING of growing Bhut Jolokia or any other plant for that matter. I ordered some seeds on Amazon and they arrived. I live in Miami (temperature is not a problem), so i figure the first month I will have them growing indoors. A week ago i put for seeds to soak up in water and put some in a napkin to germinate. The next day i planted the ones soaked in water in small plastic cups with soil in them. A week later one of the cups is showing signs of a small grass like sprout. Also, the ones in the napkins started to sprout and i moved them into their own cups with soil.
Anyways I need to know what to feed them ones they start to grow. I know the first few weeks they just need oisture and warm temperature to sprout, but how about the rest of the plants life? What do I feed it and how much do I give it? When exactly do I start feeding them? A month after they have started to grow? I need help! I need the basics and I need a feeding schedule and I need to know what to feed them
thanks for the help.
Anyways I need to know what to feed them ones they start to grow. I know the first few weeks they just need oisture and warm temperature to sprout, but how about the rest of the plants life? What do I feed it and how much do I give it? When exactly do I start feeding them? A month after they have started to grow? I need help! I need the basics and I need a feeding schedule and I need to know what to feed them
thanks for the help.