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  1. mega

    harvesting Harvest pic: Mesillas, Costeno Amarillos, some Jals

    haha yeah, I thought they were kinda huge, too. And man, do they taste good. The plant itself is about seven feet tall, a monster!!! As soon as I pulled those 17, it started pumping out a whole new crop, which I'm hoping will be ready before the frost, but it's gonna be down to the wire...
  2. mega

    harvesting Harvest pic: Mesillas, Costeno Amarillos, some Jals

    17 very nice mesillas, 8 tasty costeno amarillos, and 4 jals
  3. mega

    pests Stinkbugs: "My god those Jals were good...feel like I'm gonna burst!!!"

    If I could figure out a way to charge the stinkbugs for their meals, I'd be all set.
  4. mega

    seeds Started a few seeds...need some advice.

    Sprouting times are pretty variable. IF you maintain a high humidity environment (meaning a dome or other enclosed environment for the seeds until you see green) and a temperature in the 82-83 degree range, you should see: - anuums: about 30 % by day 6, 40-50 % day 7, about 80 % by day 10...
  5. mega

    seeds Started a few seeds...need some advice.

    A temp in the low '80s will get you maximum germination % and fastest time to germination. 87 won't affect it much and is OK (though not optimal), but 100 will not work. The important thing is, after you get sprouting (aka "green"), you will have to provide lots of light AND get the...
  6. mega

    First time grower looking for advice!

    I wasn't aware peppers could be shaped like, say, a tomato. I didn't think cropping the top of a pepper would make any difference in width. On the other hand, I've directly observed many times that peppers will take their width cue from the size of the pot. Somehow the plant brings its...
  7. mega

    Plants start looking bad near end of season

    I've noticed the same thing in my garden, this year and last year too. Around Sept 1, the plants start looking kinda tired; the new pods are lower quality (smaller, blander, less hot, less tasty). By around mid to late September, everything's still alive but any new fruit is just really low...
  8. mega

    pests Stink Bugs Suck!

    well, you're not too far from me in Fairfax VA, and the stink bug infestation this year is of epic proportions. We've got the brown ones (formally known as the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug). Their juice-sucking ways have left about half of my habs inedible or, at best, edible but unappealing...
  9. mega

    seeds Germination station, I can't get a straight answer

    my experience is, 82-83 degrees is best for pepper germination, not 86. Anyway, I agree with all of the above, and my own germination efforts are as simple as this. Until there is green, the heating mat stays on 83, and the dome is closed tight. When the green shows up in 5-6 days, the...
  10. mega

    organic Who uses organic fertilizers and what do you use?

    This year, I replaced the long list of all the usual fertilizer suspects with: -Tomato Tone -Neptune's fish & seaweed. Basically, I alternate their use, in my once-per-three-week fertilizations. Everything seemed to grow pretty well this year - the plants are tall, with loads of pods. I'm...
  11. mega

    Pepper maggots

    I had pepper maggots earlier this year. If you search on pepper maggots on my posts, I believe there are a few pics and some observations about the problem, from early July. Bottom line, they destroyed about 1/3 of the pods on a handful of plants. It was gruesome, but it passed. By the...
  12. mega

    Things I've learned this year.

    1a. fertilize less 1b. water less 1c. fuss less 2. plant fewer varieties 3. be more proactive about garden pests - strike early and hard 4. don't waste valuable space on ornamentals 5. figure out what the peppers will be used for BEFORE choosing them 6. have a game-plan for what to do with...
  13. mega

    pics First harvest of the season

    very nice....what are those sweet peppers that look like brown Jalapenos?
  14. mega

    harvesting Fatalli harvest

    beautiful fatalii harvest! good job! There are lots of things you can do with them. We make fatalii caramels, fatalii fudge, and fatalii chocolate chip cookies. In all of those, the sugar mellows out the fatalii heat, resulting in a very tolerable, pleasant heat level, even for civilians such...
  15. mega

    pests my new high-tech integrtedd stink bug prevention system

    I pondered that. It's possible. But my working theory isn't that the bag will absolutely prevent penetration; it's that the bag will interrupt the algorhythm that says "currently sitting on top of juicy pepper pod; extend proboscis". If the bugs turn out to be more clever than that, there is...
  16. mega

    pests my new high-tech integrtedd stink bug prevention system

    Necessity is the mother of invention. Gonna be a lot of brides looking for party favor bags coming up empty in the coming weeks.
  17. mega

    pests Please help ID this pepper-sucking garden pest

    confirmed by the friendly local coop extension lady: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, late nymph stage. Ugh. There is no easy solution to stink bug infestation; they are tough, resiliant survivors. But countermeasures will be implemented this afternoon. I have an idea....and will be posting pics...
  18. mega

    What will you grow next season?

    Things I am growing this year that I will definitely grow next year: Fatalii - was My Favorite Pepper Ever, but may be eclipsed this year by ... Costeno Amarillo - competing very well this year for My Favorite Pepper Ever Aji Limon Biker billy jalapeno Italian Roaster II Jimmy Nardello Basic...
  19. mega

    harvesting my pico-harvest is now upgraded to micro-harvest (with pic)

    It's turning into a rather fun pepper growing season! Clockwise, starting in upper left: Some sort of red habanero, costeno amarillo, serrano del sol, giant marconi hybrid, thai market hots, assorted jalapenos, finger hots and holland reds, orange habaneros and hotties, fataliis, in the...
  20. mega

    pests Please help ID this pepper-sucking garden pest

    Oh yes, indeed. About 1/3 of my Chinense pods have been damaged or destroyed this year - with white, decolored spots where the bugs suck out the juices. It started a month ago, with an occasional white spot on an occasional pod; now, I go out in the morning and pull off handfulls of pods...