I've got the 72 cell germination station with the heating pad. The dome is 7" with two air vents. I was told by the owner of the local hydro shop where I purchased it to keep both air vents closed on the dome until the seedlings develop (at which time the fluorescent lighting will come into play) a couple set of leaves on them and then start opening the air vents a little bit each day for a week until the dome can be removed. I was also told to leave the heating pad on during this time. Another representative of another shop told me to keep one air vent open the whole time and not keep them all the way closed. Reading all the posts, it is my understanding that I should not follow his directions. Can someone set the record straight, preferably someone who uses a similar system and share your techniqes. Should I leave the heating element on after the seeds germinate or only use the lighting? I'm assuming that if I can't achieve the 86 degrees by the use of the light I should keep the heating element on. When do I start opening the air vents, how much, how long and when do I remove the dome? Sorry for all of these questions but I'm fricking confused. Thanks all!