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  1. mega

    Help me ID this pepper disease/problem, please

    I sadly uprooted and killed a Jalapeno grande hybrid, because the leaves were lookin' really weird, like it had some disease or serious problem, and it was right next to a bunch of other plants. Notice in the pic that the leaves seem to have shriveled or, well, kind of disappeared, on one...
  2. mega

    Nice cluster of Habs

    Very nice indeed!!!!!!!! My orange hab has fewer, but is doing the same kind of explosive growth thing now. I find the orange habs to be a LOT easier to grow and more prolific than other habs. Good stuff!
  3. mega

    I think im in love...with fatali!

    I **LOVE** fataliis. Probably my favorite all-around pepper. We use them in all sorts of interesting ways here, but really focus on using them in deserts - fatalii caramels, fatalii chocolate chip cookies, fatalii fudge, etc. I also really like fataliis in Jamaican Jerk seasoning as a...
  4. mega

    pests Help identify this garden pest

    Thanks, I think that diagnosis is probably correct. Pepper maggots. From what I've googled, the white skin-piercing but not flesh-piercing indentation (pic # 3 above) is where the fly deposited the eggs. The eggs then hatched into maggots who fed on my Biker Billy from the inside for a week...
  5. mega

    pests Help identify this garden pest

    Help! My peppers are under fierce attack. Many of my pepper pods have small round holes, approximately 1 mm in diameter. There can be anywhere from 1 to 3 of these holes on an individual pod. Like if you took a ball point pen and pushed it through the outer skin/shell of a pepper pod. In...
  6. mega

    health Black spots on Romas and Jalapenos

    Blossom End Rot. One of the most frustrating of all the garden problems. Basically, it is caused by a lack of calcium, which makes the blossom end of the pods rot. However, you can't just pour calcium in. The problem is ABSORPTION of calcium, not necessarily availability of calcium. Irregular...
  7. mega

    seeds How long do chilli seeds last

    I saw a chart in a book recently, which showed how long different vegetable seeds were viable for. Most were viable for 4-5 years, including peppers' cousin the tomato, but peppers were listed as 2 yrs. The book also noted that a seed that is theoretically good for 2 yrs may not be "as good" -...
  8. mega

    105 degrees. I mean, seriously. C'mon already.

    No let-up in the daily 100+ degree temperatures, here. 6 or 7 of my 18 container plants are now dropping leaves by the handfuls; a couple are mostly twigs now. A little breeze will come through, and another pile of leaves will go floating off with the wind. To add insult to injury, the water...
  9. mega

    105 degrees. I mean, seriously. C'mon already.

    105 degrees today, here in Northern Virginia. Needless to say, there has been no fruit set. On the upside, I've probably produced enough dropped blossoms to make a pillow. Maybe this global warming thing is real, but instead of it being 1/2 degree in the next 100 years, it's actually 40...
  10. mega

    pests War on aphids

    I've used Safer Insecticidal Soap for aphids, and it's pretty good. I like it because it's totally safe, in contrast to insecticides - if you spritz it on yourself or get it on a pepper, well, it's just soap, no prob. I found that it takes about 2 weeks to get a dense aphid population under...
  11. mega

    Is this blossom end rot or some other kind of rot

    Here are a couple of Biker Billys that are rotted on the ends. I'm thinking it's BER, though they don't have the telltale rotted spot - more like a rotted entire blossom end. This happened VERY fast - in a day or two. I am quite frustrated with BER this season - nearly all of my non-Chinenses...
  12. mega

    breeding Italian Roaster II Hybrid

    My unexpected find of the year: The Italian Roaster II Hybrid (seeds acquired from These things are great! Despite the name, they are definitely not roasting peppers; they're actually frying peppers. About 6-7 " long; mild heat roughly comparable to an average or mild...
  13. mega

    Fatali Peppers

    My fatalii last year gave me around 40 pods. I have two this year; one has four or five blossoms, and the other has none so far. I haven't given up hope, but man it's been a tough year. Hottest June in Washington DC history, and now it's going to break 100 for the next few days...
  14. mega

    Morouga Red: No flowers, no blossoms, no pods, nothing

    Hmm...I do have other chinenses growing (around 20) and all but one other are flowering. (There is one fatalii that has, like the morouga, done nothing.0 I doubt it is the traditional too-much-N problem. This plant is in a container, with pro-mix and some compost. The only fert it's ever...
  15. mega

    Morouga Red: No flowers, no blossoms, no pods, nothing

    OK, so I bought a pack of seeds for the interesting-sounding Morouga Red, kind of an extra-hot habanero type from Hippie Seed Company. I only put one plant in the ground. It grew up to be an amazingly robust plant, with big, fat leaves, good forking, 2 1/2 feet high, nice thick stem, and...
  16. mega

    Blossom End Rot on peppers

    Hmm... thanks for all the input. I'm really stumped. With the TomatoTone in the soil it shouldn't be a calcium deficiency. As far as calcium uptake, they DEFINITELY haven't been underwatered. It was 97 to 100 degrees every day for the last 3 weeks; I had to water them everyday. I am...
  17. mega

    Picked and ate my first Big Jim of the season!

    They will turn red. Last year, I thought my Big Jims tasted best in that in-between stage where peppers are like brown/purple - after the green, but before the real red. Actually, I prefer most peppers in that in between stage, but the BJims were particularly good right at that point. +1 on...
  18. mega

    Blossom End Rot on peppers

    Blossom End Rot - it massacred my tomatoes last year, and a handful of peppers too. This year, it's already taken out 1/4 of the tomatoes and today, a pod off my treasured Italian Roaster II Hybrid. Two questions: - What causes BER? - Is there anything that can be done about it? I tried...
  19. mega

    How many plants are you growing?

    48 peppers 4 tomatoes it's a bit lopsided in favor of peppers here LOL
  20. mega

    Pumpkin Invasion of My Pepper Bed

    Invasion of the Pumpkin! So this year I took ONE pumpkin seed, which turned into ONE tiny pumpkin plant, and I put it in the corner of a 4x4 bed filled with peppers, just to see what would happen. Those monstrous branches moving 8 feet in every direction and hooking and rooting themselves into...