OK, so I bought a pack of seeds for the interesting-sounding Morouga Red, kind of an extra-hot habanero type from Hippie Seed Company. I only put one plant in the ground. It grew up to be an amazingly robust plant, with big, fat leaves, good forking, 2 1/2 feet high, nice thick stem, and resiliant and stong in the wind. It went into a container of promix and got some Tomato Tone. In every way, this has been a perfect plant. Except...
This plant has NEVER produced a single flower. Not one. No flowers, no buds, no pods, nothing. I am not talking about blossom dop. There has never been a blossom to drop.
Now, obviously, if HSC is selling it, it must be good seeds. So I am not questioning the seed quality.
But I have never ever had a pepper plant that simply did nothing - no flowers or blossoms at all, nothing.
Has anyone else experienced this, or have a theory as to what might have happened with this plant?
(I could post pictues, but it'd be rather pointless - you'd see a nicely-structured, well forked, strong habanero type with not a single thing coming out from any fork.)
This plant has NEVER produced a single flower. Not one. No flowers, no buds, no pods, nothing. I am not talking about blossom dop. There has never been a blossom to drop.
Now, obviously, if HSC is selling it, it must be good seeds. So I am not questioning the seed quality.
But I have never ever had a pepper plant that simply did nothing - no flowers or blossoms at all, nothing.
Has anyone else experienced this, or have a theory as to what might have happened with this plant?
(I could post pictues, but it'd be rather pointless - you'd see a nicely-structured, well forked, strong habanero type with not a single thing coming out from any fork.)