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  1. D

    seeds Saving Seeds

    Thats what I have done with other kinds of peppers, I usually will just let one dry on the plant and save the seeds out of it. I will probably keep the plant over the winter because it is (for me at least) a pain in the neck to germinate. I was just thinking of any way to aviod cross pollination.
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    Pequin vs Tepin-The official Definition?

    That is a beautiful plant.
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    Eek! White Mold

    If it has not gotten to far, just pull off all the leaves that are effected. Peppers recover quickly. The cure I use on my roses and can be used on tomatoes is dusting them with sulfer to kill the mold. It does a pretty good job and can be easily washed off. I don't know where to get it, a...
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    seeds Saving Seeds

    I have a fluorescent purple pepper that is a beautiful plant. I want to make sure that I have pure seeds to save for next year since this pepper plant looks so nice. How do I do this the best way? It is in the ground with other peppers planted next to it so isolation is not an option.
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    Red Jalapenos

    Same here, many, not all turn blackish before turning red. A green jalapeno can't hold a candle to a fully ripened red one.
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    Red Jalapenos

    I thought the purple ones tasted a little sweeter than a regular jalapeno and maybe a tad less hot. If it was a blind taste test, I doubt I could pick them out correctly 3 out of 5 times though. I do however think they had more fruit on them, and were a much prettier plant though. I will...
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    Red Jalapenos

    To the best of my knowledge, and having asked a few Mexican friends, yes all jalapenos do turn red. I have personally grown 6 different kinds, No Heat, regular, Early, Goliath, purple and the TAM Mild jalapeno. I have also grown the Mucho Nacho which is a jalapeno relative. Yeah go ahead...
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    corkiness in jalapenos

    They are a much better pepper when red, and the cork on them makes no real difference as far as I can tell. Most of mine do it, just thought that was th enature of the pepper.
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    Whats everyone growing this Year?

    Yup, those Nagas were not cheap, but they will be well worth it. Within about 30 min of getting them I had 4 seeds soaking, 4 planted in soil and 4 off to my mom so she could try to germinate them. My garage sits about 90 degees during the day, 83 at night, so they should grow as quickly as...
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    Whats everyone growing this Year?

    Thats where I got my chili dearbol seeds. I got about 80% germination out of the little plastic bag of dried. They are grown great each year I have grown them, even though the seeds are about 5 years old now.
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    Pequin vs Tepin-The official Definition?

    That picture looks like a black tepin. Mine has light green hairy stems, where the one in the picture looks blackish, is that right? Black immature peppers also? That one is pretty cool, lot neater than mine. Basic shape and branch structure is the same though.
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    Peter pepper

    I grew it a couple years ago, really didn't see the resemblence in the ones I grew. Thin walled, not really anything special. I am growing both a yellow and red one this year though just because the seeds were there. The red ones had a little better flavor, but still not impressive. However...
  13. D

    Pequin vs Tepin-The official Definition?

    My Pequins came up like grass. Excellent germination. The Tepins took almost a month to germinate, and grew very slowly last year. They were only about 2 feet tall before I cut them back when I overwintered them in the house. Pequin leaves are also a dark green where as the Tepins are more...
  14. D

    Pequin vs Tepin-The official Definition?

    Not knowing the true difference, I have some Pequins as labeled as such from a friend who got them in Mexico. They are small, somewhat bulletshaped, about a quarter inch long. They are more orange than red also. They also will put on a lot of fruit the first year. My Tepin plant, that was...
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    So, how big...

    Pequins can get to be at least 1.5 meters-a little taller than 4 feet because I have one that has been overwintered 3 years and has been cut back at least a foot to two each spring. It is right now 134 cm tall and just starting to really get growing because the birds ate all the new growth off...
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    Hello all!

    Coalinga 60 miles SW of Fresno
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    Pumpkin Hot Pepper

    This is cool! I will have to try some of those next year.
  18. D

    Whats everyone growing this Year?

    3 red Rocotos 3 Black Pearls 2 Flourescint purple 1 Red Savina 3Thai Dragons 3 of some kind of round pepper that a friend sent me I have no idea what they are 2 hungarian hot death 3 Petit marsailles 3 other long slim black peppers no idea what their names are chili de arbol Orange, red and...
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    Hello all!

    Hi everyone my name is Dave. I live here in California and love to mess around growing peppers. I start all my own plants, unless I find something interesting somewhere then I will get it. This year I have over 120 peppers of over 30 different varieties in my yard. I don't know why but I...
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    seeds Albino Chile Seedling

    It won't. I have 27 different types of peppers, I think, maybe more lost track of some so no I won't be going anywhere.