Search results

  1. impending_bending

    do you plant vendors actually cut through all the red tape? or sneak around?

    All of you seedling vendors out there - I was looking into shipping some plants and holy crap what a pain! Reading the requirements for each state is enough to deter me by itself. Do you vendors actually find the specific requirements, fill out the paper work, include the certificates, etc etc...
  2. impending_bending

    Looking for super small operation advice

    Does a bear shit in the woods?
  3. impending_bending

    seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

    At this rate, by the time it gets to me the shipping is going to cost around a grand plus the cost of the fork lift to get it to the post office.
  4. impending_bending

    preservation Best way to preserve a home hotsauce?

    lol "its green" - classic. There are different kinds of radiation. Alpha and beta are the ones that can potentially leave your food "green" (hazardous). As bearbreath was getting at, gamma radiation is high-energy electromagnetic (think 'ultimate flashlight') and while it changes the molecules...
  5. impending_bending

    Bhut Jolokia Orange - only blossoms

    Excellent. Did you determine the culprit? What was your course of action?
  6. impending_bending

    hydroponic My dive into hydroponics growing...on the cheap...

    Lol I must be recovering too. My current system circulates the water between nearly all the plants so I only have to take measurements of pH etc once and add water and nutes etc to one place. Dangerous, I know, but I like to live lazily. I mean dangerously
  7. impending_bending

    artwork Been there? Done that? Or one day I dream of starting my own fiery foods business?

    Weird. I was having a discussion about the tax pros and cons of each yesterday. The conclusion was that sole prop was better in my case (not pepper related business), but I think I'm going to pick up the phone and revisit it. Very glad to hear you're pursuing it. Congrats and much props!
  8. impending_bending

    breeding Your up and coming crosses

    That would be awesome! I would make sweet lovin' to the ground you walk on
  9. impending_bending

    preservation Best way to preserve a home hotsauce?

    Holy crap, you ain't f'ing around!! I'm no expert on this and only mentioned it because I saw services offered when I did a search about irradiating food. Just google something along the lines of "food sterilization gamma irradiation service" and you'll find a lot. Love this one's name...
  10. impending_bending

    seeds Manzano germination issue

    +1 - sulfuric acid or potassium hydroxide soak, or even scratching it with a scalpel. I would do that and use GA3 then germinate in rockwool with 3 ml/gal H2O2 keeping it wet. That's probably overkill but I'd be shocked if you didn't get great results.
  11. impending_bending

    breeding Your up and coming crosses

    Scorpion x chocolate hab and a couple others that I've promised not to advertise because they aren't my creations. :) That brainstrain x reaper sounds brutal!
  12. impending_bending

    The 7 pod madballz stabilization project.

    Tempting... I'd like to give the brown a go perhaps. Working on a few others right now, but I may end up crawling back for some of those seeds haha
  13. impending_bending

    hydroponic My dive into hydroponics growing...on the cheap...

    Wow. I once modified one of those electric fly swatters and upped it to 3600 volts and turned it into a little stun gun thing. That thing hurt! no current though and was DC. Can't imagine what your little adventure felt like. Bet you could hook up a hell of a grow light on those lines
  14. impending_bending

    preservation Best way to preserve a home hotsauce?

    If you're really serous about it, there are irradiation services (you don't have to buy the equipment). You can package your salsa, give it to them to gamma it, jar and all, and you'll be good. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that is still only going to be economically viable with a bit...
  15. impending_bending

    hot pepper advice (my heat tolerance is growing dysfunctionally high

    No no I'm the same way. 6 scoops of scorpion powder in my mini chimis and I don't feel any burn at all. It started around the time I decided I couldn't be bothered to chew my food anymore. On an unrelated topic, I'm no longer sure that I know the meaning of the word "sarcasm" Hunting ghost...
  16. impending_bending

    hydroponic My dive into hydroponics growing...on the cheap...

    I can quit any time I want I do acknowledge the existence of a higher power - the 600 W HPS
  17. impending_bending

    A Simple Microbe Tea Recipe and Its Effects

    LOL lets catch us a snipe!! My wife went to TX a few years back with 3 others on business and they all came back telling me about this creature that they mercilessly find and beat to death in Texas and how awful the people were hahaha I couldn't stop laughing.   I'm going to try to update the...
  18. impending_bending

    preservation Best way to preserve a home hotsauce?

    "trying" nothing :)     Apparently, there is a way. It is completely impractical unless you are the biggest badest salsa/sauce producer THP has ever known, but it exists. I had no idea until I just googled the gamma irradiation thing. I don't...
  19. impending_bending

    anybody growing hatch chili's?

    I didn't mean thats the only place you could get them, I was just saying a few of my buddies insist that they are crap everywhere else. Then again, its probably similar to every southern state thinking it has the only authentic BBQ. Interesting links tho thanks