Thanks all for your input, I truly appreciate it :)
For some reason I can not edit the original post, so I'll keep updating the list as the suggestions keep coming :)
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Yellow
Brain Strains
Brown moruga
Caramel Bhut
Chocolate Primo
Fatalii Gourmet...
Thanks for the info!!! Keep it coming!!!
I do understand that we all have different tastes, that is why I'd like to know other peoples' thoughts and tastes regarding super hots, please, don't limit yourself and instruct this little grasshopper in the way of super hot peppers :)
If you don't...
Hi there fellow Hot Pepper People!!! :)
I got this question, is there a List of Super Hot Peppers with good flavor? Could you recommend me peppers that are Super Hot but have a good flavor? I've tried the 7 Pot Barrackpore, grew it myself from seeds that my dear friend Trident gifted to me...
:shocked: Didn't know that ajdrew! To me, science is about learning, discovery, study etc. I am no science man, but noticed that "when they say something later they say the opposite..." that's what I've noticed... Don't mind me, I don't know what I am talking about :crazy: xD xD
Thanks again Trident chilli!!! I am actually using pumice with the ones already have and everything is going good so far, thanks for your input :)
Thanks moruga welder, will see the potting soil too, I'm using a mix of pumice, black earth, composted leaves and worm castings, any other...
Jhon, thanks to you my friend!
The thing with the soil is that all that white thing is volcanic ash compacted from hundred years and plants don't thrive in it.
The water is another thing, we have 6 months of dry season and 6 of rainy. Do you think that it will be more controlable using...
Hi there!!! :!: I'm looking for some advice.
There is a chance for myself to get a little garden of about 20 x 9 yards and I want to grow some peppers in there, the thing is, the soil is white earth with pumice rock like the one in the pic:
Would you recommend me to use raised beds or 5...
I'm no expert, but it looks like mites, mine had suffered that and after an application of neem oil and a stunt plant for 2 weeks, it started growing a couple of days after the application and the new leaves look good.
209, I'm not in the US, but I could give one of my friends address in there, so he enjoy them on behalf of me :) thanks for sharing your pepper love :)
Got it Roguejim, I'll move it to a 5gal (my house is too small and can not afford nothing else (yet)) The season is the whole year around (I live in "El Tropico" ;)), except for germination purpouses that is around 3 months left. Thanks!
Thanks!!! ;)
It is a plastic pot, I don't know what may happend if I move it to a 5gal pot :neutral: rigth now! Thanks for the advice about the watering that is under control :cool:
I just want to get my first Moruga pod and then another and another :pray: but if you recommend me to move...