The very first Moruga in my country... as far as I know :D

This is the very first Moruga in my country, IDK if some else has it or not, so I feel free to be the very first in having one xD I don't have the space I wish but I'll do all the possible to take good care of it, this is how it is doing in 2 weeks :D

2 days ago :D
Thanks!!!  ;)
It is a plastic pot, I don't know what may happend if I move it to a 5gal pot  :neutral: rigth now! Thanks for the advice about the watering that is under control  :cool:
I just want to get my first Moruga pod and then another and another  :pray: but if you recommend me to move it now I'll do it. :pray:
Got it Roguejim, I'll move it to a 5gal (my house is too small and can not afford nothing else (yet)) The season is the whole year around (I live in "El Tropico" ;)), except for germination purpouses that is around 3 months left. Thanks!
  That's a good looking plant! I hope you get enough pods to share with those around you. They may not consider you a friend after that taste how hot that pepper is though. :) 