Search results

  1. Monkey Hunter

    worm castings...

    Worm castings should be very concentrated and highly available, so they can definitely be over applied.  Did you buy the wet castings or were they dried/powdered?
  2. Monkey Hunter

    indoor Moving Indoors

    -All plants are most responsive to red and blue light, the rest are barely registered.  That's why horticultural LED's end up a purple colour as they just use the bulbs that emit use able light.   -Lumens and Lux both measure light that is visible to the human eye, which evolved to pick up the...
  3. Monkey Hunter

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

    As much as I disagree with the statement and mentality behind it, I fully believe everyone should express their opinions without censorship.  It isn't rude or personally  offensive (ie he wasn't insulting anyone in the conversation) just expressing his values, which everyone should have the...
  4. Monkey Hunter

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

      I'd assume you'd be concerned for your children's future as unemployment and the wealth gap gets worse year after year, not to mention that this is the first generation that's predicted to have a shorter lifespan then their parents because of how we're living... To each their own, if you're...
  5. Monkey Hunter

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

      I'd rather that then create a new desert in middle America, like humans have created in the middle east, morocco, china, africa, etc through unsustainable agriculture that strips the top soil, leaving subsoil not capable of supporting much life.  Obviously no one "knows" what's right, we can...
  6. Monkey Hunter

    Tomatoes ....... suckers

    I decided to try suckering some of my green zebra's and leaving the rest alone to see what the difference is.  So far the ones left alone have grown taller and have as much or possibly a bit more fruit on them.  Until I harvest and weigh them though I won't actually know.  So I doubt I'll be...
  7. Monkey Hunter

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

    I disagree that we need petro-chem agri corps to survive.  The current system is designed to fulfill our wants, not our needs.  Look at the reaction to the UN study that found we should be eating more insects instead of animals to increase our ltprotein.  The idea is abhorrent to us but common...
  8. Monkey Hunter

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

    Plants give off distinct chemical scents just like humans, I can relate as I'm always the one that gets swarmed by mosquito's while no one else has a single one on them.   Plants also generally won't show signs of distress until it's gone on for quite awhile, so even if it looks perfectly...
  9. Monkey Hunter

    Neem oil and pollen... and a couple other questions

    Spraying anything, even plain water, will kill the pollen it hits but that generally won't effect pollination rates as there's almost always fresh pollen being produced so after spraying stops pollination will pick right back up.   If you've got a lot of plants it's worth investing in a...
  10. Monkey Hunter

    What is your most useful garden tool?

      Have you ever seen a "widger", nice little tools meant for this purpose with a narrow end for pricking out seedlings and a wide one for making their new hole for transplanting.   I'd have to say my most useful tool in the garden is my book collection, specifically "botany for gardeners" by...
  11. Monkey Hunter

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    On a related note, has anyone got experience adding whey directly to plants?  I was reading an article about uses for whey and it mentioned watering plants with it, but that's it.  Anyone know how effective that is and what exactly it does for them?   If I have left over's from starting my next...
  12. Monkey Hunter

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    I assume you could use whey from yogurt to innoculate lactobacteria like any typical vegetable ferment.  I've never tried it myself, but I do a lot of fermenting to preserve veges and the only difference really would be adding a sugar source to ensure the bacteria/yeast don't starve.
  13. Monkey Hunter

    peroxide in a hydro system question.

    Hygrozyme works in conjunction with beneficials, and the two are quite complementary.  It's an enzyme product that speeds up breaking down dead tissue, reducing the chance of infection by pathogens and feeding microbes in the process.  Especially in DWC where it's easy to get brown, soggy roots...
  14. Monkey Hunter

    free Gotrox 2013 Free Mystery Seed Giveaway

    I meant to post this awhile ago but have been so busy it just keeps slipping my mind.  Luckily on this lazy dog dangling sunday, I have nothing better to do then throw up a pic or two...       This was the first pod to pop out, we didn't even notice it right away as it was hiding deep in the...
  15. Monkey Hunter

    peroxide in a hydro system question.

    As long as you re-innoculate after every use of hydrogen peroxide you'll be fine.  As an unstable molecule (H3O) hydrogen peroxide breaks down quickly, you'd easily be fine adding it the next day, depending on how much you use it should be fine a couple hours later.  It's kinda running in two...
  16. Monkey Hunter

    Canna Aqua Vega A+B or Sensi Grow A+B?

    I'd second that, I've always preferred canna for the simple reason that it's effective without being overly complicated/marketed.
  17. Monkey Hunter

    AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

    Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I make lots of comfrey/thistle tea with wild harvested plants from invasive populations but never thought to ferment them for longer storage, it'd be a great way to save them for use over the winter though.
  18. Monkey Hunter

    The Secret Life Of Plants

    I'd hire a hitman to go in and do the dirty work :p
  19. Monkey Hunter

    The Secret Life Of Plants

    So the obvious question, has anyone changed any of their gardening practices because of watching these vids?  I've always talked to them,  after reading the book the first time I started explaining and apologizing to them when I had to prune/transplant/kill one of them.  Since seeing the newer...
  20. Monkey Hunter

    The official TOMATO thread

      Thank ya kindly, I'll definitely take ya up on that offer.