hi talas and rainbowberry
there is about 90 plants or so in the greenhouse now give or two 2 witch i lost 2 due to a hangover and not getting up till 1pm it got two hot i killed two weeklings (note to self it can get pretty hot in the morning sun even in south wales (uk)reading the bbc forecast...
shure sounds good you have a great gift there i wanted to get a martin d28
but the misses will not let me i have a gibson les paul she thinks that will do . i do have a plan get her a car so i can get me a martin
all the best
heres a quick update
here goes all plants are now in the greenhouse its getting a bit hot i need to get some shading
my main bench
new update in a week or two
all the best
thanks for all the lovley comments guys
hello rainbowberry they are seeds from tuppy 90% off them come up
i only had 1 choc hab untill one off my cats killed it
neil i cant wait till my numex twilights are in fruit and i have'nt tried peach hab yet so i cant wait
i just been watching your...
the water seems to drain ok but there are in trays im going to try chilli focus is that any good ? the box that the baby bio has long gone now i kept the bag with the little blue cristals in in a tupper were box so im not shure of the n/p/k? do recomend any feeds?
thanks pauley
hi potawie i think its baby bio the blue chrystals food you dilute with water and the compost is what my father in law gets i mixed it with a little sharp sand
thanks for the quick reply
i just noticed that my chillis are getting yellow leaves they are in a south facing bay window and are on 1/4 strenth food
if ant one can help:?:
thanks pauley
hello all here is a list of what im growing this year
all in all i got 90 chillis on the go a the moment / bih ..bhut..jolokia/naga morich/ jamacan red hots/ joes long/ fiesta / newmex twiglight/ peach habs/ orange habs/lemon habs/ and bell peppers ..
hears wishing you all a good growing...