pickling Dill Pickled Japs

I just made another batch and thought id share a pic
Those look good man. I am actually gonna pickle some today, but I'm gonna do them whole with serranos, carrots and garlic. How long do you usually let them sit before you crack a jar open?
thx alot for the response...the recepie is here somewhere on the site gut ill get my little woman to translare it from french and post it for you all.I should add I let them sit for a month before opening....Someone told me an aditive that makes them stay crisp..that would be awsome
ok here it goes
clean japs,cut them in sections,2 spoons of pickling salt(per liter)
3/4 cup vinager
1/4 water
bring to a boil(peppers not in yet)
3 cloves of garlic,recepie says 2 I put more lol
put garlic,dill and peppers in cleaned bottle
mind you dill to taste
I loaded my bottles with dill
boil lids and tops
then seal and enjoy
this goes by liter or pickeling jar
water,vinager and pickling salt has to be brung to a boil
Looks and sounds awesome! I have never had dill jalapenos before. Going to have to try that. Thanks for posting the recipe.