I made a new batch but this time I made a mash and I'm doing it at a lower temperature. I tested the pH at the start with the strips and it was around 4.5. Let's see what happens.
So if my pH strips are to be trusted it hasn’t changed in two weeks. If anything it has gone up, so I’m going to discard it.
Maybe I’ll try to do a mash or put it in an air conditioned room for the first week to see if that helps.
I’m confused when you say scrape, the stuff in my fermentation is just floating around, I can’t literally scrape it, it moves around in the brine. Does that sound like Kahm yeast? Do you always do mashes? I’d try lowering the temperature next time but I can’t get 70 degrees anywhere in my house.
Can Kahm yeast be that color? I'll try to take a better picture tomorrow. Should I just fill the jar with brine if I don't have enough peppers to fill it?
I have glass weights to push the peppers down, it's not completely covered. Maybe I should put a cabbage leaf under the weights next...
Temperature may be an issue. It’s about 85 here all year round. Isn’t the fridge way too cold for fermentation?
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I didn’t do a boiling water rinse since it was my understanding that for fermentation washing it with soap is enough. I’ll wait to hear from other posters. Thanks!
I put about 20 fataliis split in half and 3 cloves of garlic in a 5% brine. It’s got a weight so nothing floats and I’m using an airlock. It’s been almost 4 weeks. It doesn’t smell bad and it’s still bubbling. I measured the pH of the brine at about 5.
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I don't have a season really so that's not a problem. Will it keep producing non-stop without growing if it's already reached its full size for the container size?
So I'm close to my first harvest and have a doubt regarding what to do. After I harvest all the peppers from a plant and there aren't more flowers, should I cut it back to promote new growth or will it flower again in the same nodes?
It's particularly sad for me in the tropics because, well, in theory I get to keep my plants outside and happy all year long. I wasn't expecting to have any reason to throw them away. Are you making a business out of it?
I checked, it seems to be dust or something. I've seen white flies here and there, but really few, I don't think they've ever done any damage. I've had spider mites, but that doesn't look like the damage I've seen in the past and I think I've got them under control.
This is happening in a couple of my plants. The one in the picture is a fatalii plant which is full of pods already. They live on my balcony, where the temperature ranges from 68 to 86 more or less. The humidity is quite high, above 70% all the time probably. I water when the top is dry and...
And after every flower has dropped or turned to fruit (and has been harvested) does it produce flowers again on the same nodes? Do you prune it to induce new growth?
Sorry. Its in a 1 gallon container in my balcony. I know its too small, but Im trying to decide which varieties I like most because I dont have space for all of them in large containers. The temperature ranges from 68 to 88 every day and its very humid. I water them when the top inch of the soil...