It's not that I don't want it to grow fast. It's just that I can't wait to try my first peppers.
I did change it to a bigger pot yesterday, so maybe the blossoms were already there and I didn't notice? I'm inclined to pinch it since it's smaller than I ever expected it would be when it flowered.
So I have this chile de arbol plant which is about 1 month old, and about 6 inches tall and I'm already seeing a couple of buds. Since I have warm weather all year round I was going to follow the approach of not pinching the early buds because I don't need it to grow before the season ends but I...
I have some better quality soil now to which I can transplant it so I'll try that. I was worried it might be some kind of fungus and be transmitted to other plants.
This one in particular I haven't fertilized. The fertilizer I got doesn't have instructions so I ended up killing 2 out of 4 plants I fertilized so I'm a bit hesitant.
So a couple of weeks ago this plant had some bugs (aphids I think) and I got rid of them with soapy water. But now the tip of the leaves are becoming brown and it's got some brownish spots under the leaves. Should I do anything?
The small leaves on the buds are brown and falling and the newest leaves have all fallen. Also the leaves are curling up and papery. I did find some bugs which were too small and I hadn't seen.
So I was away from home for a couple of weeks and I've come back to see my plants struggling. My impression is that they may have been overwatered while I was away but I can't really tell by looking at them. What is wrong with them? The ones that seem to have problems didn't grow at all for the...
I've been growing habaneros for about a month for the first time and learning on the go and I think the soil they're currently in is too heavy/tightly packed (there's a empty space all around the edge of the container). I've found a better soil and was thinking on repotting them with the new...
So far I've been just crushing any bugs I find. What combination of soap and water do you use? I've read to use dish soap, castille soap, soap without degreasers, there seems to be no consensus. Also, do you rinse it off after a while?
So today I found this white bugs under the leaves of my habanero plants. They were surrounded by kind of a white powder and they left after I started looking around. I did manage to take a couple of (very crappy) pictures before. What are they? Should I be worried? This is the first time I see...