Very young plant flowering

So I have this chile de arbol plant which is about 1 month old, and about 6 inches tall and I'm already seeing a couple of buds. Since I have warm weather all year round I was going to follow the approach of not pinching the early buds because I don't need it to grow before the season ends but I didn't expect this tiny plant to flower. Should I pinch them or does it not matter?

PS: I know it looks leggy, is it because of the variety? It's getting quite a bit of sunlight and all of my other plants are doing ok.
If you want it to grow as fast as possible, put it in a bigger pot and pinch the blossoms.
If you're not as worried about how fast it grows, leave it as is. It will eventually drop flowers or small fruit that it can't support.
The small pot is probably what is causing it to try for flowers this quickly. The plant assumes that it's in an unfavorable location for growth so it's trying to get it's genetic material out and reproduce as soon as possible so the seeds might end up in a better place.
Crispee-FL said:
I would pinch them as the plant needs its energy to grow right now. Also I hope you plan on transplanting it to a larger pot in the near future. Best of luck!
I just transplanted it yesterday, it was in a 16 oz plastic cup. Do you think it needs an even larger pot?
Peter_L said:
If you want it to grow as fast as possible, put it in a bigger pot and pinch the blossoms.
If you're not as worried about how fast it grows, leave it as is. It will eventually drop flowers or small fruit that it can't support.
The small pot is probably what is causing it to try for flowers this quickly. The plant assumes that it's in an unfavorable location for growth so it's trying to get it's genetic material out and reproduce as soon as possible so the seeds might end up in a better place.
It's not that I don't want it to grow fast. It's just that I can't wait to try my first peppers.
I did change it to a bigger pot yesterday, so maybe the blossoms were already there and I didn't notice? I'm inclined to pinch it since it's smaller than I ever expected it would be when it flowered.
I think this is a left twix vs. right twix discussion.  I rarely see anything come from them.  Had some baby aji omnicolor, cayenne, and paprika have pods worth while while the plant was tiny.  Never a super hot.  I dont think it hurts anything to let them continue to develop, maybe slow development of the rest of the plant a wee bit.
How many plants do you have?  Maybe pinch them off on one plant, leave them alone on another, and watch them grow side by side.
AJ Drew said:
I think this is a left twix vs. right twix discussion.  I rarely see anything come from them.  Had some baby aji omnicolor, cayenne, and paprika have pods worth while while the plant was tiny.  Never a super hot.  I dont think it hurts anything to let them continue to develop, maybe slow development of the rest of the plant a wee bit.
How many plants do you have?  Maybe pinch them off on one plant, leave them alone on another, and watch them grow side by side.
I actually have two, but the other one isnt flowering. I topped the other one and left this one alone and Ill see how it goes.