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  1. TOAW

    the strange thing i noticed. can anyone tell me why?

    I recall as kid (many years ago) seeing time lapse film of plants doing just this. Also I think there was another discussion about this samething last year.
  2. TOAW

    sugar cane

    The stories I've read about it's being spread though the world say it's started from cuttings. I bet Phille could pick up a few for you.
  3. TOAW

    the strange thing i noticed. can anyone tell me why?

    They're just tired from working hard at vegetating and are ready for a good night sleep. All if not most plants and animals go through some form day night cycle (circadian rhythm or cycle) some are just more conspicous than others.
  4. TOAW

    Please identify this insect

    Try this sight. Let us know if you find it.
  5. TOAW

    overwintering Overwinter and Beyond?

    Check out Post #6 "Elderly pepper plants"
  6. TOAW

    soil is this soil good for mature plants ?

  7. TOAW

    how MUST you have your water

    Beer and wine were the primery source of water throughout much of history. Alcohol kept the water safe to drink. Including on the Mayflower whiched dropped the pilgrams off at Mass instead of Vir because they were running out of ale. Can you imagine drinking stagnet water from a wood cask.
  8. TOAW

    Joyner's Powder Giveaway - CLOSED

    146, 346, 496
  9. TOAW

    how MUST you have your water

    To much water is bad for you, if go "all out", It can cause hyponatremia.
  10. TOAW

    Saw this shirt tonight

    Cool stuff!
  11. TOAW

    pests WHAT BUG IS THIS?

    Maybe when you saw him he was to large for the little things.
  12. TOAW

    HELLO! From Nashville, TN

    :welcome: From Indy
  13. TOAW

    Hi from SE Texas

    :welcome: From Indy
  14. TOAW


    :welcome: From Indy
  15. TOAW

    Saw this shirt tonight

    They have them?
  16. TOAW

    Wind Turbine

    "larger tail" Helps on wind mills and some women. How about beer cans?
  17. TOAW

    Worm composters?

    "African Nightcrawlers" "They are supposed to be voracious eaters" Makes me think of a B grade sci-fi movie.
  18. TOAW

    how MUST you have your water

    If you been out in the hot sun all day warm water from a water bag tastes great.
  19. TOAW

    Saw this shirt tonight

    Instead of a bag you carry a empty case, and an opener around your neck.
  20. TOAW

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Good song. I enjoy guitar music that is complex.