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  1. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    12 San Marzano Tomatos are up 6 Mortgage Lifter Tomatos are up.   A tip on those LED modules-The heatsink I'm using is 7"x16"x2.25" thick, and the fins are 3/32" thick. It weighs 10lbs just by itself. IT IS NOT ENOUGH HEATSINK for 4 modules! Even with a pretty decent 6" 120v fan blowing on it...
  2. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    Like I said above, some of the tomatoes are up already, and I just had a look at the gauge seeds in the paper towel/baggie germinator. The peppers have sprouted in the bag, so it won't be long before the first ones start coming up
  3. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    Not quite Nothin!   Three tomatos have popped up-but all of them with the seed jacket still on. All of them will require helmet-removal surgery  or just resowing.
  4. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    Nothing happening in the seed department. 72 cells of nothin'.   Not sure if i mentioned but I am unemployed *again* this year, last year I was unemployed december-may, then got hired on doing what I do best and loved the job. Then, in november the entire department was eliminated and so I'm...
  5. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    These are the modules I bought-however when I bought them they were 7 bucks for a pair, not 13.   That heatsink gets warm to the touch, but that's about it. No fan on it. I do have a muffin fan...
  6. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    Picked up these four LED integrated lamp modules from Amazon. 14$ for all four, delivered.     A little bit of the forbidden marshmallow creme, some scrapyard heatsink material, and a little time in my machines shop and they're bolted up:     They are pretty bright-looks like they're...
  7. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    Got seeds in the paper towels tonight. Hopefully in five or six days, I'll have some germination going on and I'll start putting them down into the starter trays. I've started with all of the Incredible Hulk Mutant A26, which produced HUGE fruits and stood almost 6ft tall with no stakes or cage...
  8. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    That's what I learned last year. I had plants 23 inches tall in 2 cubic inches of soil, that fruited. Weirdest thing though-it took them 9 months.   The mycorrhizae and fish emulsion are on the shelf, ready to go. I ran with dyna-gro last year from mid-year on and it was FANTASTIC.
  9. W

    Wolf's Second Year-Adventures in Better Recordkeeping.

    Last year didn't go so well. Major problems getting started, lots of plant die-off out of what I sprouted, and poor performance of my plants contributed to a lack of recordkeeping and thus poor results in the mutation plots. However, I did get enough of a crop to keep seeds from most everything...
  10. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Got the OK from the boss to bring some plants in for work. Will probably do some of that this week, put in some of my tomato clones and extra peppers in barrels. We'll see.   First peppers of the year came in, almost a pint of sliced jalapenos. They're brining in a moderately sweet pickle right...
  11. W

    This damage showed up today on one plant-what is it??

    That plant has been in full sun in the same spot for two months.
  12. W

    This damage showed up today on one plant-what is it??

    So today I get home from work and find this damage on one of my datils. They're tiny enough, they don't need anymore help dying.     What's causing this so I can fix it or stop it from spreading? I can not find any bugs or worms on the plant, but it doesn't mean they aren't there. The spots in...
  13. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    It has finally stopped raining long enough that tomorrow I can *probably* get out and do some weeding in the field, and glue a few flowers to ensure self-pollination of some of the plants. It's rained so much, in fact, that two potato plants have drowned, and two mutants, one chinese giant, and...
  14. W

    Wet weather

    We haven't had two straight sunny days without rain in almost a month now. Can't get out to fertilize or cultivate the red clay til it dries out some, and with the 60mph winds last night, all my plants are layed over. Hopefully tomorrow is dry enough to go out in the fields and stake them.
  15. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Well, the fish has finally split out into it's first fork! It's gonna need a bigger's in a 3 gallon nursery pot right now and it forked 18.5" from the top of the soil. Lots of side shoots, so hopefully I get a nice heavy producer of a plant. I am going to stake it just to keep it...
  16. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    First break in the rain long enough for plants to dry out a bit, so today was the first watering with Dyna-Grow. 1tsp to a gallon, each plant getting about 1.5qt of fertlized water.   Lost a mutant in the field, but have plenty of transplantables left-in fact the 36 cell starter tray still has...
  17. W

    health What am I doing wrong?

    Nah, 9 inch is a toy compared to the ring for a boom truck-its a crane base. About 75lbs of steel. Good guess though, I have a stack of 8.8 and 9" axles out back for stock. I run a hot rod shop and work with a local diesel shop.   When I say full sun, they are in shade for zero part of the day...
  18. W

    health What am I doing wrong?

    I have some photos, just need to get them uploaded. Work keeps me busy during the day and today I filleted my hand on a ring gear, so typing has taken some time. These are my annuums, Chinese giant bells. They are 40ish days from germination. These are the Datils in the red pots. 27 days...
  19. W

    health What am I doing wrong?

    Ok, so some of my plants this year were bought from the Home Despot-least expensive Bonnie dealer out there. It's been 25 days since they hit the dirt, and the same flats of plants I bought from (date codes are the same as mine) that are still in their 4" bonnie cups at Home Despot, being...
  20. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    I think I found the issue with the stalled growth. The plants that got transplant fertilizer in the hole with them, then liquid fish, are doing much better now than the plants that just got the transplant fertilizer tilled into the soil before planting. It'll be time to cultivate weeds under...